Language Exchange Program

Department of World Languages and Literatures


Program goals
The Language Exchange Program offered by the Department of World Languages and Literatures at the University of Memphis aims to help language students improve their oral skills in their target language while also helping international students develop their English.

How does it work?
World language students are matched with English learners to participate in a conversation exchange. In particular, participants accepted to the program will be assigned a conversation partner. Students are encouraged to meet at least once every two weeks at public places, ideally on campus, to practice both languages so both partners can benefit from the exchange. Group activities will be scheduled regularly as well. There is no deadline to apply to the program but you are encouraged to apply in the first two weeks of the semester. Any participation in the program is completely voluntary and you may stop participating at any time.

Who can participate?
World language students and international students enrolled at the University of Memphis

How do I apply?
Complete THIS FORM send it to the relevant address according to the foreign language to be included in your exchange:

Arabic: nbayakly@memphis.edu
Chinese: lzhang3@memphis.edu
French: ddgrele@memphis.edu
German: hpolster@memphis.edu
Italian: cgaudenz@memphis.edu
Japanese: ymatsuda@memphis.edu
Portuguese: nogueira@memphis.edu
Russian: lphasty@memphis.edu
Spanish: jrock@memphis.edu

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