Sport and Leisure Management (B.S.)

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Major: Sport and Leisure Management

Concentration: None

Degree: Bachelor of Science

 Program ContactMichael Hutchinson

 Advising Contact: Deborah J. Thompson

Bachelor's Degree

The program objectives of the B.S. in Sport and Leisure Management (SLM) are: (a) to become involved in the profession and committed to the academic, service, and social mission of the profession; (b) to demonstrate an awareness of the critical role of diversity to the delivery of inclusive sport and leisure services; (c) to demonstrate effective leadership within the sport and leisure profession; and (d) to behave in accordance with the ethical standards of the sport and leisure profession.

General Education Courses: 41 hours

  • Communications (9 hours)
  • Mathematics (3 hours)
  • Literature (3 hours)
  • Humanities (6 hours)
  • History (6 hours)
  • Social and Behavioral Science (6 hours)
  • Natural Science (8 hours)

Sport and Leisure Management Major Courses: 79 hours

  • Sport and Leisure Management Core Courses (31 hours)
  • Sport and Leisure Management Elective Courses (27-48 hours)
  • General Elective Courses (0-21 hours)

Accelerated Bachelor's/Master's (ABM) Degree

The Accelerated Bachelor's/Master's (ABM) degree program is a B.S. in Sport and Leisure Management/M.S. in Sport Commerce. This program allows outstanding undergraduate students to begin the coursework for the M.S. in Sport Commerce during their senior year. Students are encouraged to begin planning to enter the ABM program early in their undergraduate career in consultation with their advisor. Working with the undergraduate and graduate academic coordinators, undergraduates selected into this program begin a carefully tailored course of study that will allow them to complete their B.S. in Sport and Leisure Management degree while also completing coursework toward their M.S. in Sport Commerce degree.

To apply, students must maintain a minimum 3.25 grade point average, submit two letters of reference, and provide a copy of their academic transcript to the Kemmons Wilson School of Hospitality and Resort Management. Each applicant will complete an interview with the graduate academic coordinator of the M.S. in Sport Commerce program. To continue in the program past the B.S. in Sport and Leisure Management, students must apply for full admission to both the Graduate School and the M.S. in Sport Commerce program. In the ABM program, up to 9 hours of graduate coursework may be applied to both the undergraduate and graduate programs. However, any graduate coursework will not apply to a student's undergraduate grade point average.

Degree Planning

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