
The Kemmons Wilson School of Hospitality and Resort Management prepares the next generation of hospitality and sports business professionals with an academically rigorous curriculum paired with numerous real-work, experiential learning opportunities. These outside-of-the-classroom experiences enhance the student’s degree with the focus on life-skills training, work-force readiness, and an introduction to the realities of employment in a hospitality or sports organization.

Working in conjunction with local enterprises internships will be established to provide students with hands-on experience in the hospitality industry. Internship inquiries should be directed to Dr. Carol Silkes at 901.678.5699 or email - csilkes@memphis.edu.

The University of Memphis Career Services uses Handshake for both students and employers - https://www.memphis.edu/careerservices/

Hospitality and Resort Management

Internships/Career Opportunities

Hospitality Employer Internship Handbook

Hospitality Student Internship Handbook

Sport and Leisure Management


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