Omni CMS Snippets

Another Omni CMS feature for reusable web content is the Omni CMS Snippets. Snippets are portions of source code to offer as an example of use and ease of use. These were developed by Omni CMS to use as easy examples to start off giving you the basic structure. After inserting a snippet it's easily editable by content providers. Easy enough to insert into a page content, we've created numerous Snippets for The UofM web content community.

Incorporating with a responsive design, the Bootstrap framework is one we use and offers many classes to accommodate HTML5 and/or CSS3. We've created our own UofM Snippets to offer for ease of use. Some Snippets are included under categories and used for ease of insertion of content snippets.

Accordions open content and close content according to specifications. We've included Google Ajax, jQuery and more. One of our favorites, the Google Accordion Snippet. Another accordion to use, the jQuery (V1.11.4)  Accordion Snippet  and jQuery (V1.12.1) Accordion Snippet.
Alerts derived from the Bootstrap framework. There are four currently: Danger Alert, Info Alert, Success Alert, and Warning Alert.
We have one currently, Apply Now Button.
Light Gray Text contrast on white background and Red Text contrast on white background. These were included primarily for Accessibility Colors contrast issues. Most Editors use colors that do not pass accessibility contrast requirements; i.e. red (#ff0000) on white background (#000000).
PDF Icon - derivative from Bootstrap. An HTML address snippet. Another interesting Bootstrap defined class, a snippet called simply Lead Snippet. Bootstrap describes this as "Make a paragraph stand out by adding .lead.". 
If you like and use a definition list, try our Horizontal Definition List Snippet snippet.
We created and easy drop-in for Figure with Caption. Another snippet to use Bootstrap framework.
We've modeled these layouts using grid system model from Bootstrap Grids.
  • 2 Column Grid Border
  • 2 Column Grid Fluid Border
  • 2 Column Layout Grid
  • 3 Column Grid Border
Expanding Un-Ordered List and Horizontal Menu List
We've included numerous table snippets. These should help when transitioning older HTML to our new HTML5 Responsive design. We've modeled HTML tables from Bootstrap Tables.
  • 2 Column Borderless Table
  • 2 Column Responsive Bordered Table
  • 2 Column Responsive Striped Table
  • 2 Column Table
  • 3 Column Hover Row Table
  • 3 Column Responsive Bordered Table
  • 3 Column Responsive Striped Table
  • 3 Column Table

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