Web Developer Resources

The Web Developer Resources area is presented as a resource hub to guide you to finding instructional guides, tutorials, and online resources and places where you can gain knowledge about Web designing and Web development. Knowledge about HTML, learning CSS, learning about Web design, understanding Web fonts and typography, getting help with multimedia, finding and using editors, scripts and graphics programs are just a few items helpful to creating Web pages. If you have not developed a Web page, we hope that you will visit Creating Web Pages to get information concerning the initial steps required to build a Web page.

Resource links below provide a list of sites which can be helpful on a variety of topics, some aimed at the beginner, others at the more advanced user. Regardless of your expertise, the software you use to develop your Web pages will evolve, yet a cursory knowledge of HTML is instrumental in developing and maintaining a Web page. There are several advanced HTML editors that provide a user-friendly WYSIWYG or "what you see is what you get" environment for developing Web pages. These links will help to build your knowledge of the web and some of the many applications for which it can be used.

Web Training Resources and online tutorials like the W3C Schools Web  and the WDG-Web Design Group will help considerably with learning Web technology. Also, the University's Center for Teaching and Learning offers courses in Web page development. There are, of course, many books available for both the novice and the advanced Web developer.

Web Accessibility Resources

Web Design

HyperText Markup Language (HTML)

Omni CMS Resources

Many web resources within our Omni CMS content management system, incorporates numerous web technology technologies; HTML5, CSS3, jQuery, Google Application Programming Interface (API), Bootstrap framework, and more. Listed below, are some tools we use that will assist in giving The UofM web site appeal when navigating our pages.


Search Engines


Other Web Resources

WebDev Tips and Tricks

WebDev Tips and Tricks or secrets of the trade are a common part of every successful business. Items here include tips for browsers; usage, preference, tools, plug-ins, etc.; CSS techniques, HTML coding, in depth search engine and SEO best practices, and important W3C tricks as well.

Web Governance

Important Web Governance information devoted specifically as University of Memphis Web standards, policies, guidelines, copyright and privacy notice information.

University Technology Resources

Other university technology resources available to the university community.

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