Quality Assurance / Validation Tools

Validators and quality assurance tools assist webmasters analyze web sites in numerous functions and areas to assist with correcting markup, fixing links, CSS and other areas of assistance. Listed below, this collection of tools and references will help you accomplish those needs.

Please note that some of these are commercial sites which offer to sell software. We are not endorsing these products, but are listing them to provide users with a wide variety of validators from which to choose.

Validation Tools

W3C Quality Assurance Tools:

CSE HTML Validator - CSE HTML Validator for Microsoft Windows is the most powerful, easy to use, user configurable, and all-in-one HTML, XHTML, CSS, link, spelling, and accessibility checker available.

HiSoftware Cynthia Says Portal: Web content Accessibility validation solution. Section 508 and/or the WCAG-Priority 1, 2, 3 guidelines.

HTML Tidy - An HTML Code Validator.

Site Valet: Web Tools for Quality, Accessibility, Standards Compliance.

WDG HTML Validator

WebAIM Products and Tools: WAVE online test and excellent list of evaluation and repair tools.

Juicy Studio: Numerous tools and services to check your pages for quality assurance. Hosted Services include tools to test web pages for:

  • Readability Test
  • CSS Analyser
  • Luminosity Contrast Ratio Analyser
  • Colour Contrast Analyser
  • Image Analyser
  • Link Analyser

UITest.com - High Quality Web Resources - Analysis: Accessibility, General, SEO, Validation, General, Legislation, Linking, Load Time, Miscellaneous analysis tools.

Grade Your Website: 31 Free Online Tests - Code validation, accessibility, speed, browser simulators, search engine optimization (SEO)

Pagetest - An online tool that test the speed of your web pages. Offers statistical analysis and offers suggestions, recommendations to speed up your Web pages.

Mobile-Readiness testing - for mobile devices.

Webmaster Toolkit - assorted tools

Web Page Analyzer - from Website Optimization - large collection of tools.

Functional Accessibility Evaluator - from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

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