Portable Document Format (PDF) Resources

The use of Portable Document Format (PDF) files in putting information on the Web has zoomed in the past two years.

Since the IRS decided to load all of its tax forms on the Web in PDF format. Since PDF files retain all original text formatting and can be easily printed, this format provides a WYSIWYG environment for presenting all types of documentation. With the development of new tools which can be used to embed hot links within PDF files, they have truly become interactive. All that is required to tap into to this technology is Adobe Distiller (to generate the PDF) and Adobe Acrobat Reader to view the final product. Reader is free and can be downloaded from the Adobe site. Distiller can be purchased separately but also comes with Pagemaker and Acrobat Exchange. The sites below will provide more detailed information about the use of PDF files.

Adobe Acrobat
The creator of PDF document.
Create and verify PDF accessibility (Acrobat Pro)
From Acrobat User Guide
From Paper to the Web
This site is totally devoted to the production and use of PDF files.
Convert paper into PDF documents you can edit, share and archive.
PDFCreator easily creates PDFs from any Windows program. Use it like a printer in Word, StarCalc or any other Windows application.