Search Resources

Search engines are software applications designed for the purpose to help users find information on the Internet on a given subject. Search engines, sometimes called spiders, crawlers, robots or just "bots" come in a vast array of usability and popularity. One of the best complete search engine resource sites around, SearchEngineWatch.com gives you information on anything and everything about search engines.

One of the best guides to understanding search engines and algorithms that produce the results, visit Google's Search Algorithm and Ranking System. For official news on crawling and indexing sites for the Google index, visit Official Google Webmaster Central Blog. Also from Google, read their Search Engine Optimization Starter Guide.

Moz has an excellent Beginner's Guide to SEO (Search Engine Optimization).

Search Engine Optimization 101 offers information that addresses one of the most important aspects of the Internet - how to find information on specific topics. Knowing what search engine to use and how to use it is a must.

webconfs.com - SEO tools & webmaster utilities has SEO tools, tutorials, forums, web tools and more to help with specifics with search engine optimization in mind.

SEO Search Engine Optimization Bible - Wiley, 2nd Edition an all time SEO favorite. Comprehensive SEO analysis.

Another helpful site, Submit Express encompasses numerous topics about search engines from a marketing perspective. Items of interest there include search engine placement, search engine optimization (SEO), search engine marketing (SEM) and more.

A collective list of search engines:

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University of Memphis Search Engine

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