Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) Resources

Incorporating CSS or Cascading Style Sheets, will be key in handling all your layout, positioning, coloration, and appearance of your information.

CSS is a specification developed by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) that provides a simple mechanism for adding styles to web documents. CSS defines a fixed set of presentation controls and formats associated with Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) elements. It can also control presentation of Extensible Markup Language (XML) elements embedded in an HTML text stream, but only when they are identical to the HTML elements defined within CSS. A presentation standard better-suited to XML's extensibility is provided in W3C's Extensible Style sheet Language (XSL).

CSS resources listed below, should help you comprehend CSS, advice with incorporating CSS into your Web sites, and some helpful instructional and / or tutorials designed to help using CSS.

A List Apart: The Articles
A List Apart's articles on Web design, development, architecture, creativity, and content
Cascading Style Sheets
W3C's Cascading Style Sheets Web site.
Stu Nicholls
CSS Property Index
CSS Property Index by Brian Wilson
CSS Validation Service
W3C's CSS Validator
CSS Zen Garden
Interesting CSS designs
Position Is Everything
Excellent CSS help
The CSS and XHTML Lab - 456 Berea Street
456 Berea Street
W3Schools CSS Tutorial
Includes CSS Tutorial, references, quizzes to test your skills and more.
CSS and DHTML Menus.

See also: HTML Colors Defined .

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