About WebDev

The University WebDev group, short for Web Developers, consist of members from all over The UofM. Created for the WebDev community, this web site provides information for members and the community at large pertaining to web administration, development, designing, programming, coding techniques, and much more. This site is categorized into five main topic areas of interest.

WebDev Resources

WebDev Web Resources are provided to members and to The University as a whole. WebDev offers these resources to assist and help and offer guidance and best common practices when involved with the web. Also, resources include Web creation, web site maintenance, and upkeep of Web pages and much more.

WebDev Tips and Tricks

WebDev Tips and Tricks or secrets of the trade are a common part of every successful business. Items here include tips for browsers; usage, preference, tools, plug-ins, etc.; CSS techniques, HTML coding, in depth search engine and SEO best practices, and important W3C tricks as well. .

Web Governance

Important Web Governance information de,voted specifically as University of Memphis Web standards, policies, guidelines, copyright and privacy notice information.

University Technology Resources

Other University Technology Resources available to the university community.

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