Responsibilities and Reminders

It is your responsibility to be aware of and to fulfill all requirements for receipt of your Veterans benefits.

If you are using GI Bill® Benefits at the University of Memphis, you should contact our office—Veterans Educational Benefits & Certification—and submit all appropriate paperwork. (GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government Web site at https://www.benefits.va.gov/gibill.)

To continue receiving veterans educational benefits, the VA requires that you:

  • attend class regularly
  • make satisfactory academic progress
  • adhere to a specific degree program


  1. Register with our office every semester by completing UofM's Request for Certification.
    Why do I have to re-certify every semester?
  2. Report credit allowed for prior training in cooperation with your advisor by completing a "Request for Evaluation of Prior Credit" form. This and other forms are available from our office.
  3. Inform us promptly of any degree or major change, excessive non-attendance, repeated courses, and any changes to your address, marital status, or number of dependents claimed.
  4. After registering for classes, immediately notify us of any changes to your class schedule, including:
    • adds
    • drops
    • section changes
    • canceled courses
    • withdrawals


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