VA Will Not Pay All Tuition/Fees

Federal regulations have changed the amount of tuition and fee charges that schools can report to the VA for Chapter 33-Post 9/11 GI Bill® Recipients. For periods of enrollment beginning on or after August 1, 2011, schools are to report actual net cost for in-state tuition and fees assessed by the institution, after deducting funds or assistance provided directly to the institution and designated for the sole purpose of defraying tuition and fees.

Examples of funds or aid that will be deducted when reporting tuition and fees include:

  • Institutional or employer-based  aid
  • Tuition-based scholarships
  • Federal or state tuition assistance (ex.: Federal TA through the Reserves or National Guard)
  • Waivers
  • Any other means designated specifically to pay tuition and fees

(GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government Web site at https://www.benefits.va.gov/gibill.)


Title IV Funds (ex.: Pell Grants or loans) WILL NOT be deducted. Also, A\any scholarship or other aid that is not designated specifically for the sole purpose of defraying tuition and fees WILL NOT be deducted.

 Example 1  
 Student gross in-state charges =  $ 4,000 
 Veteran Discount =  - 400 
 Tuition Scholarship =  - 2,000 
 Title IV (ex., Pell Grant) =  (2,500) 
 General Scholarship =  (1,000) 

 Net in-state charges =  $ 1,600 


In Example 1 above, the student has a $1,000 scholarship from a local organization. The scholarship is general in nature and may be used to defray school costs such as food, housing, books, etc. Since it is not "specifically designated for the sole purpose of defraying tuition and fees," it is not deducted from the charges submitted to VA.

Example 2   
 Student gross in-state charges =  $ 4,061 
 University Scholarship = 
  (Specif. Desig. for Tuition/Fees)
- 3,640 

 Net in-state charges =  $    421 


In Example 2 above, the student is eligible for Chapter 33-Post 9/11 benefits at the 80% level. Since the University Scholarship of $3640.00 is specifically designated for tuition and fees, it must be deducted from the gross in-state tuition and fees, thus leaving a balance of $421.00. The VA will pay $336.80 (80% $421.00) to the school on behalf of the student. The remaining balance of $84.20 becomes the student's responsibility. VA does the calculation when it comes to the service tier percentage. The schools is responsible for reporting actual NET charged in-state tuition and fees.

VA Will Not Pay All Fees

The VA has determined that not all student fees are payable under Chapter 33:

  • The International Experience Fee that is included as a part of the Program Services Fees is not payable.
  • Tiger Eat$ is not payable.
  • These fees are deducted from the amount certified to the VA and become the student's responsibility.

University Charges Due to Drop(s) or Withdrawal Become the Student's Responsibility

Any student who drops or withdraws on or after the first day of the term will be charged a percentage of the tuition and fees assessed by the University. The student will be responsible for these charges.

If a student withdraws from all classes before or on the first day of the term, the school must refund the VA all tuition and fees received from the VA for the term.

University of Memphis Enrollment Certification Procedure

VA Enrollment Certifications are being submitted early, prior to knowing all monies which must be deducted, so that veterans may receive their book stipend and their BAH (Basic Allowance for Housing). A second enrollment certification will then be submitted as needed after the term begins and the monies which must be deducted are known. This allows time for University & Student Business Services to apply any waiver, scholarship, aid, or any other assistance provided directly to the school and specifically designated for the sole purpose  of defraying tuition and fees in an effort to reduce overpayments to the school and/or to the student.

You are responsible for ALL debts resulting from your reductions or termination of your enrollment even if payment was submitted directly to the school on your behalf.

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