We know you have questions about your Veterans benefits. For that reason we have tried to anticipate some as well as provide you with other resources.

The Basic Questions

Go to our Programs & Benefits page for this information.
(GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government Web site at https://www.benefits.va.gov/gibill.)

Go to our Programs & Benefits page for this information.

Yes, however, depending on which GI Bill benefit you are claiming there may be an issue with duplicating benefits between VA, DoD, or both.

  • All Active Duty Service Members and Chapter 33 (Post 9/11) recipients – If you are eligible to receive TA and GI Bill Benefits, you cannot claim GI Bill benefits for a course that TA is already authorized to pay. The amount received from TA is deducted from the net cost of Tuition and Fees submitted to the VA.

Students who served 12 consecutive months on active duty may receive up to 6 semester credit hours by submitting a copy of their DD-214 to the University of Memphis Admissions office. In order to apply for credit for prior military training or education, submit an official copy of your military transcript to the Admission Office, 201 Wilder Tower.

You may check to see how credits apply towards your degree plan by consulting with an academic advisor. Currently enrolled students may also check UMDegree by logging into the MyMemphis portal and clicking on the “My Degree” page. Most credits are applied as elective credit.

Residency requirements are processed through the Admissions Office. If you have questions concerning these requirements, please contact Admissions (201 Wilder Tower; 901.678.2111; admissions@memphis.edu).

The transferability option is available under the Post-9/11 GI Bill. Service members may transfer unused benefits to their spouses or dependent children. For more specific information on how to transfer benefits, refer to the GI Bill website. Click on “Post 9/11 & Other Programs” tab. From the drop-down options, click “The Post 9/11 GI Bill.” From this transferability page, click on Transfer of Post-9/11 GI-Bill Benefits to Dependents (TEB).

If you are a Veteran or CH 33 dependent, complete VA form 22-1995. DEA dependents (CH 35) will complete 22-5495 application located on the GI Bill website.

Also, refer to the "Education Benefits Application Process" on our Programs and Benefits page.

If you are currently enrolled contact your academic adviser for help deciding on a major. If you need an advisor, contact Academic Advising Center (212 Wilder Tower; 901.678.2062) to schedule an appointment.

A VA Deferment is a request made by service members, veterans, and dependents of veterans who are eligible for and receiving VA educational assistance benefits to defer payment of Tuition and fees until the end of the term. You make a request for VA Deferment letter through the Veterans Educational Benefits & Certification Office (003 Wilder Tower) after you register for classes and complete a Veterans Request for Certification form.

Advance pay is available for those receiving benefits under GI Bill Educational programs other than CH 33 Post 9/11. Veterans and dependents who are registered for half-time or more credit hours may apply for Advance pay. Contact the Veterans Educational Benefits & Certification Office for eligibility requirements and the Advance pay application.

Other FAQ

For all of these FAQ, contact Veterans Educational Benefits & Certification (003 Wilder Tower; 901.678.2996) for more information, especially with regard to eligibility requirements and UofM Veterans forms.

Refer also to this VA FAQ PowerPoint presentation.

The VA gives universities the option of certifying either by term or for the whole year. We have chosen to certify by term primarily because we have no guarantee that a student will re-enroll in the subsequent term. If we certified by year, we would run the risk of overpaying someone who did not enroll for the second term.

After you register for classes, you may complete the online UofM Veterans Request for Certification. (A valid UofM Username and Password are required for login.) You must complete the Request for Certification for each semester for which you register and wish to claim benefits.

The VA will pay only for those courses required for your specific degree. It will pay for elective credit provided that you have not already exceeded the number of elective hours allowed for graduation with your degree. You can use your VA benefits during any academic term, including Summer, so long as you have remaining entitlement.

The VA will not certify a course you have already successfully completed, regardless of whether or not you received VA Educational Benefits for the earlier attempt.

However, if your program requires a higher grade in a course than you achieved, you may repeat that course in order to meet graduation requirements.

For example, if your BS in Biology program requires a "B" or better in Biology 2010, then you may repeat that course if you scored lower than a "B"; your VA benefits will cover the repeat.

You must notify the VA of your change of address by calling 1-888-GIBILL-1 (1-888-442-4551). Also, you should update your address with the University as well.

You can do this online through the myMemphis portal:  on the Student page, select "My Information."

No. You may enroll as a part-time student and still use your VA educational benefits. The VA offers reduced rates for those who do not want to study full-time.

Students who attend on less than a half-time basis are paid by the VA based on the amount of tuition and fees for the course.

Students who enroll for less than half-time and who receive Tuition Assistance (TA) from the Reserves or Guard cannot receive MGIB-SR benefits for the same semester.

For more information, you may e-mail your questions to the Veterans Administration by using the "Submit a Question" button on the VA website. You may also call the VA toll-free number, 1-888-GIBILL-1 (1-888-442-4551), to speak with a veterans benefit representative.

Submit or have the following sent to the UofM Admissions Office for evaluation:

  1. a copy of your "Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty" (DD-214)
  2. an official transcript from your military service branch for military schools, correspondence courses, and occupations

    Admissions Office
    101 Wilder Tower
    University of Memphis
    Memphis, TN 38152-3520

Transcripts for Military Personnel

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