Welcome Spouses & Dependents!

Welcome to The University of Memphis! We’re excited you have decided to join the tiger community! Veterans & Military Student Services (VMSS) strives to create an inclusive and welcoming environment for all military-affiliated students

VMSS offers a dedicated space for military-affiliated students to relax, study, and interact with peers. At the center of the VMSS hub is a large community table for studying and/or socializing, campus computers, and printing services. We also offer a refreshment station with a mini-fridge, microwave, and coffee. VMSS maintains a sperate quiet study/conference room that can be reserved for individual study, virtual class, meetings, or group projects.

GI Bill and VA Education Benefits

Apply for GI Bill and other VA educational benefits today!


Dependent or spouse Post 9/11 entitlement: Follow prompts at under “How do I apply?” to complete an electronic copy of VA Form 22-1990e at Department of Veterans Affairs GI Bill and other VA educational benefits

Dependents or spouse of deceased veteran killed in action or who died as the result of military duty: VA Form 22-5490-Chapter 35 Educational or Post- 9/11 VA Form 22-19902 (electronic copy accessible under “How do I apply?” at Department of Veterans Affairs GI Bill and other VA educational benefits)

Dependents or spouse of VA designated 100% permanently and totally disabled veteran: VA Form 22-5490-Chapter 35 Educational

If transferring to The University of Memphis from another school or transferring to another school from The University of Memphis: VA Form 22-5495

Waiver for dependents of deceased veterans or POWs

Dependent children (less than 23 years old) and spouses of service members who:

  • were killed or have died as a direct result of injuries sustained while or
  • have been officially reported a prisoner of war or missing in action while

honorably service in the United States Armed Forces during armed conflict may be eligible for a waver of tuition and required registration or matriculation fees.

Qualifying dependents may also be admitted without cost to any state of Tennessee higher education institution, if certain age, time period, and residency requirements are met.

Contact the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs in Nashville, TN at 1-800-827-1000 for more information and to see if you qualify!

TN Department of Veterans Service dependents tuition waiver

2019 TN code - Waiver of fees and tuition for dependents of POWs or deceased veterans


AMVETS' Scholarships

Applications are open to veterans and military spouses pursing or advancing their careers in the skills trade industry. Applications for fall are accepted July 19th – September 24th, and applications for spring are accepted February 22nd – April 30th.

Contact Carl Jackson regarding questions or concerns at carljackson@amvets.org or 301-683-4007

Applications are accepted March 1st – April 15th.

Anchor Scholarship Foundation

Applicants must meet one of the following eligibility requirements

  • Eligibility 1: Dependent child or spouse of a U.S. Navy sailor (active, retired, or honorably discharged) with Surface Warfare qualification and who served 6 years active duty.

Scholarship amounts range from $3,000 to $6,000 annually.

  • Eligibility 2: dependent or spouse of a U.S. Navy sailor (active, retired, honorably discharged) and served as a member of Ship’s Company for at least 1 year.

Scholarship amounts range from $2,400 to $8,000 annually.

The deadline to apply for both scholarship types is April 1st.

Mrs. Patty Shinseki Spouse Scholarship Program

Spouses pursuing an undergraduate degree or professional certification may receive assistance for up to four academic years of full-time study or eight academic years of part-time study. Spouses may apply year-round (no deadlines) and must re-apply every year.

MG James Ursano Scholarship Program for Children

Children pursuing an undergraduate degree who meet eligibility criteria may receive assistance for up to four academic years. Children must re-apply every year.

Edith Nourse Rogers Science Technology Engineer Math Scholarship

The Edith Nourse STEM Scholarship extends Post- 9/11 GI Bill or Fry Scholarship benefits for eligible veterans and dependents in high-demand fields

Eligible persons receive up to 9 months or $30,000 of added benefits

Army Engineer Spouses Club

The Geraldine K. Morris award is given to high school seniors or high school graduates (must be within 1 year of graduation date) whose parent/legal guardian is a member of the Army Engineer Spouses club and a current or former U.S. Army Engineer or current Department of the Army employee of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.

Applications are due February 28, 2022.

Chief Petty Officer Scholarship Fund

Applicants must be a graduating high school senior or recent high school graduate and the dependent child of a U.S. Navy sailor or a non-uniformed spouse of a U.S. Navy Sailor. Each year 2 $5,000 and 20 – 50 $2,000 scholarships are awarded.

Applications must be postmarked by April 1, 2022.

Daughters of the Cincinnati Scholarship

Scholarships range from $16,000 - $20,000 across 4 years.

Applications are due by February 15th of the applicant’s senior year of high school.

Dependents Education Assistance Program(Chapter 35 GI Bill Benefits)

Applicants must be the child or spouse of a veteran or service member who died, is captured or missing, or has sustained disabilities.

Edith Nourse Rogers Science Technology Engineer Math Scholarship

The Edith Nourse STEM Scholarship extends Post- 9/11 GI Bill or Fry Scholarship benefits for eligible veterans and dependents in high-demand fields

Eligible persons receive up to 9 months or $30,000 of added benefits

EOD Memorial Scholarship

Undergraduate applications for the 2022 – 2023 academic year are accepted November 8, 2021 – February 25, 2022 (11:59 pm EST).

Graduate applications for the 2022 – 2023 academic year are accepted March 1, 2022 – May 23, 2022 (11:59 pm EST).

Applicants must be the child, stepchild, grandchild, other DoD recognized dependent, or spouse of a graduate of NAVSCOLEOD. Child dependents must be 23 years or younger.

Undergraduate awards range from $2,000 - $5,000, and graduate awards are $5,000.

Folds of Honor

The application window is February 1st – March 31st. Awards are up to $5,000.

Fry Scholarship for dependents of deceased veterans

The Marine Gunnery Sergeant John David Fry Scholarship offers up to 36 months of benefits:

  • Tuition assistance (full tuition for public schools and up to $22,805.34 per year for private or out-of-state schools)
  • Housing assistance
  • School supplies assistance

For eligible spouses and children of service members who died in the line of duty on after September 11, 2001, while service in the Armed Forces or was a member of the Selected Reserve and died from service-connected disability.

Marine Corps Scholars

Undergraduate and associate degree scholarships and career and technical education scholarships are available.

Applicants must be the child or stepchild of an active duty, reserve, or veteran U.S. Marine or U.S. Navy Corpsman, Navy Chaplin, or Religious Program specialist attached to a U.S. Marine Corps unit or was killed while serving with a U.S. Marine Corps unit or a Marine killed during service.

Scholarships range from $1,500 - $10,000 per year. The deadline to apply is January 1st.

Military Officers Association of America

Applications for the 2022 – 2023 academic year are due March 1, 2022.

Applicants must be 24 years or young and have a parent eligible for MOAA membership or be the child of an active duty, Reserve, National Guard, or retired enlisted service member.

Scholarships are $7,000 per year and grants range from $500 - $6,500.

Military One Source - licensure and certification reimbursement

Receive reimbursement for professional licensure or certification costs due to military moves or relocation within the United States or OCONUS to stateside.

Note reimbursement policy varies by branch, but each branch offers up to $1,000 in reimbursement per move for military spouses.

Military Spouses Scholarships

Variety of spouse and dependent scholarships

My Career Advancement Account (MyCAA) Scholarship program

Provides up to $4,000 of financial assistance to eligible military spouses pursuing a license, certification, or associate degree in a portable career field and occupation

Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society

Applications for the 2022 – 2023 academic year are accepted January 3 – June 3, 2022.

Applicants must be the child of an active duty, retired, or deceased sailor or Marine or the spouse of an active duty or retired sailor or Marine.

Grants and interest free loans range from $500 - $3,000 per academic year.

North American Moving Services

2 awards of $1,000 are given per year. The deadline to apply is December 15, 2022.

Applicants must be the spouse or child of a current service member or honorably discharged veteran.

NMFA Scholarships + Career Funds

Applicants must be a spouse of a post 9/11 U.S. armed forces members who is active duty, retired, or fallen or a guardsman, reservist, or 100% disabled veteran.

Applications are accepted year around and awards are announced quarterly.

Pat Tillman Foundation

Applications are due February 28, 2022.

Applicants must be a current or surviving spouse of a veteran or active service member and pursuing an undergraduate, graduate, or professional degree.

Child dependents are not eligible for this award

ProNet International Gifts & Scholarships

Applications are open to children of veterans and veterans.

Samsung American Legion Scholarship

Scholarships are awarded to high-school juniors who attend the current session of the American Legion Boys State or American legion Auxiliary Girls State program and are a direct descendent (i.e., child, grandchild, great-grandchild, etc.) or a legally adopted child of a wartime U.S. military veteran who served active duty during at least one of the periods of war officially designated as eligible dates for American legion memberships

Scholarships cover undergraduate studies and may be applied toward tuition, books, fees and board. Winners are selected based on academic record, involvement in school, and community service.

The application window opens on February 1st.

The Folded Flag Foundation

Accepting applications for summer 2022 from March 1st – April 15th and for the 2022 – 2023 academic year from March 1st – May 13th. Recipients must reapply annually.

Applications are open to spouses and child of U.S. military and government personnel who died during hostile action or in accident related to U.S. combat or domestic operations.

The Military Order of the Purple Heart

Applications are open to spouses, widows, and direct lineal descendants of Purple Heart recipients

The Tailhook Educational Foundational Scholarship

Applicants must be a high school graduate and child or grandchild of a current or former Naval Aviator, Naval Flight Office, or Air-crewman or an individual who served onboard a U.S. Navy aircraft carrier.

Awards range from $3,000 - $15,000 annually. The application period is December 15th – March 1st.

Wings Over America

The deadline to apply is March 1st (5:00 PM EST). The award amount is $5,000.

Applicants must be a dependent child or spouse of an active duty, retired, honorably discharged, or deceased enlisted or officer U.S. Navy sailor or an individual who served in the U.S. Navy Aviation.

U.S. Marine Corps and U.S. Coast Guard dependents are not eligible.

Women's Army Corps Veterans’ Association Scholarship

Applicants must be a high school senior and the child, grandchild, or niece/nephew of an Army Service woman.

Applications due February 2nd of the awarding year. The award amount is $1,500.

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