Career Programs

UofM Career Services

Turbocharge your new career and use the services right here on campus!

UofM Career Services staff are employment experts. Let them help you with things like career exploration, resumes, and internships. Thinking about graduate school? Check out the resources on their site and get started today!

UofM Career Services >

Hiring Our Heroes

Hiring Our Heroes is a program that connects veterans with employers. Need to translate military skills into civilian terms? Use their "Resume Engine." Wonder which companies hire veterans? Attend their virtual hiring expos. Looking for on-the-job training? Apply to their Corporate Training Program

Hiring Our Heroes Program >

Career One Stop: Veterans & Military Transition Center

COS is an online resource that helps you with training and employment. The Veterans Job Matcher helps you translate skills from your MOS to civilian jobs. The Apprenticeships tool helps you quickly enter in-demand fields. You'll also find resources for military benefits and family support. This is a helpful starting point and has useful toolkits at the click of a button.

Veterans & Military Transition Center >

State of TN: Veterans Employment Services

American Job Centers (AJC) are state agencies that help veterans find jobs. They host job fairs, workshops and provide career counseling. As well, AJC offers Disabled Veteran Outreach (DVO). Prefer to work with a team of veterans? AJC has job clubs that provide group support.

Veterans Employment Services >

List of Employers - Military Friendly

Knowing where to find jobs in the sea of job listings can be overwhelming. Because of this, Team VMSS and Career Services has created a list for you. The companies listed have shown their commitment to veterans and their families.

List of Military Friendly Employers >

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