Automobile Accident Reporting Process

Whether driving a state-owned, rental, or personal automobile on University business, if you are involved in an auto accident with a member of the general public or a vehicle not owned by an agency of the State of Tennessee, the accident must be reported to State of Tennessee Auto Accident Call Center. It is the responsibilitiy of university employees to provide as much information as possible to ensure a thorough examination of the claim.  Automobile Accident Reporting Instructions and a Damage Notification Card are available in each UofM automobile for your use in the event of an accident. The university also has a vehicle accident form that must be completed in the event of an of the incidents described below.

All employees, volunteers, students, and supervisors of students driving on University business must follow this process.

What to Do in the Event of an Applicable Accident

Occupied Vehicles

  • Don't leave the scene. Be prepared to communicate ALL details of the incident to the State's adjuster. 
  • Call emergency services (911 or police non-emergency number) as needed.
  • Take at least 4 photos of both vehicles, license plates, parking situation, insurance card for other party, and any notable unrelated damages. Include photo of the other party if applicable.
  • Call the State of Tennessee Auto Accident Call Center immediately at 855.253.0629 to report the incident, then call your supervisor and follow all applicable UofM procedures.
  • Do not admit fault in the accident or promise coverage or reimbursement to anyone. 
  • Complete the university Vehicle Accident Report form and submit within 24 hours of the incident.

Unoccupied Vehicles

  • Complete a Damage Notification Card and leave it on the unoccupied vehicle.
  • Call the State of TN Auto Accident Call Center immediately at 855.253.0629 with date, time, and location of the incident, as well as any additional information you may have.
  • Take photos of both vehicles, as well as the license plate and VIN tag of the other vehicle (on the driver-side dash, near the windshield).
  • Complete the university Vehicle Accident Report form and submit within 24 hours of the incident.

Additional Reporting Requirements

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