Tuition & Fees

Resident Tuition Rate
Tuition supports classroom instruction and general operating expenses. Tuition is assessed based on the residency classification, student matriculation level (undergraduate/graduate/law) and the number of hours enrolled. For example, a graduate student taking an undergraduate course will be charged graduate tuition.

Non-Resident & International Tuition Rate
Students who are classified as Non-Resident or International by the Office of Admissions pay an additional fee as indicated in the University Fee Chart. Non-Resident & International Fees are assessed based on student matriculation level (undergraduate/graduate/law) and the number of hours enrolled. The cost of Non-Resident & International fees are based on a per hour basis. 

UofM Global Tuition Rate

Students enrolled in U of M Global courses (Mxx) will be assessed fees at the per-hour rate listed below.  

Undergraduate - Resident  Applies to any course with section Mxx $447 per credit hour (tuition cap of $5364)
Undergraduate - Non-Resident & International Applies to any course with section Mxx  $447 per credit hour
Graduate - Resident  Applies to any course with section Mxx $646 per credit hour (tuition cap of $6460)
Graduate - Non-Resident & International Applies to any course with section Mxx $646 per credit hour 

TN eCampus Tuition Rate

Students enrolled in TNeCampus courses will be assessed fees at the per-hour rate listed below, with no maximum, and in addition to on campus and U of M Online courses.

Note: Graduate Assistant waivers will cover TNeCampus maintenance fee (tuition) but will NOT cover TN eCampus online fee.

*Includes TN eCampus Program online fee of $148 per credit/audit hour

Undergraduate - In-State Residents Applies to any course with section "Rxx" $517 per credit hour*
Undergraduate - Non-Resident Applies to any course with section "Rxx" $711 per credit hour*
Undergraduate - International Applies to any course with section "Rxx" $905 per credit hour*
Graduate - In-State Resident Applies to any course with section "Rxx" $774 per credit hour*
Graduate - Non Resident Applies to any course with section "Rxx" $1008 per credit hour*
Graduate - International Applies to any course with section "Rxx" $1,242 per credit hour*

The University Services fee is a single, comprehensive fee that helps fund a number of university services which provide support for the students' academic experiences and access to activities and services.  The University Service fee provides funding for academic technology initiatives and various student services, and is assessed on the basis of a student's matriculation level (undergraduate/graduate/law/special programs) and the number of hours enrolled. All students are encouraged to utilize the benefits provided, that include access to campus technology (internet, computer labs), parking, athletic events, recreation facilities, etc.

For each semester, students that are enrolled will be assessed the University Service fee with a cap on the fee based on the academic enrollment level.  The Undergraduate level is capped at 12 credit hours; Graduate level is capped at 10 credit hours; Law level is capped at 11 credit hours; and special programs are assessed based on the enrollment and/or participation.  The University Service Fee or any portion of the University Service Fee is ineligible to be waived. 

Course Fees 2024-2025

Applied Music Fee

Charged to all applied music (private lessons) courses

$160 per term for a half-hour lesson per week

$320 per term for an hour lesson per week

Music Recital Fee

Charged to Junior and Senior Recitals

$50 per course

Applied Voice Fee

Charged to all students enrolled in THEA 3200

$160 per half-hour lesson per week

Architecture and Interior Architecture Course Fee

Charged to all ARCH courses

 $30 per credit/audit hour

Broadcast and Film/Video Course Fee

Charged to COMM 1823, 3801, 3820, 3821, 3823, 3824, 3842, 4822, 4824, 4825, 4841, 4842, 4891, 4892, 4993, 4999*,6822, 6824, 6825, 6841, 6842, 6891, 7892, 7993*, 7994*, 7995, JOUR 4629, 4639 and 4649, with no maximum. (*when applicable)

$30  per credit/audit hour
Communication Sciences and Disorders
Applies to most AUSP graduate courses
$35 per credit/audit hour
Dietetic Internship $1,672 in addition to tuition and fees
Executive MSN $835 in addition to tuition and fees

Executive MBA Program

Note: Executive MBA Course Fee charged to all students enrolled in the Executive MBA Program, in addition to tuition, fees, and business course fees.

$870 per credit/audit hour

Fine Art Course Fee

Charged to all ART and ARTH courses except ART 1030.

$30 per credit/audit hour

Fogelman College of Business and Economics

Applies to all course numbers beginning with 3 or higher including UOM Online.

$35 per credit/audit hour

Kemmons Wilson School of Hospitality & Resort Management

Applies to all course numbers beginning with 3 or higher including UOM Online.

 $65 per credit/audit hour

Health Sciences [HLSC]

Course: 3001

$80  per course

Herff College of Engineering

Applies to all Engineering courses

$75 per credit/audit hour

International MBA Program

$3,000 in addition to registration fees

Loewenberg College of Nursing [NURS]

Applies to all course numbers beginning with 3 or higher including TN eCampus (formerly RODP) and UOM Online.


$40 per credit/audit hour 

Performing Arts Course Fee

Applies to undergraduate and graduate courses. Excludes- THEA 1030, DANC 1151, and THEA 3200

$20 per credit/audit hour

AMSL Course Fee

Charged to ASL courses 

$30 per course

Journalism & Strategic Media Course Fees

STRM 4221, CRMM 4140, 4500, 4526, 4550, 4560, 4600, 4900, 4920, JRSM 1800, 3900, 3905, JOUR, 3526, 3629, 3800, 4124, 4150, 4155, 4160, 4165, 4170, 4180, 4185, 4190, 4530, 4535, 4540, 4998, STRM 3250

$35 per credit/audit hour

Social Work [SWRK]

Courses: 4830, 4831, 7050, 7051, 7052, 7053, 7054

$30 per course

Teacher Education

Applies to Teacher Education courses

$25 per credit/audit hour

Materials Fees

Biology [BIOL]

Courses: 1011, 1021, 1111, 1121, 1231, 2011, 2021, 3030, 3051, 3073, 3200, 3230, 3505, 3600, 3610, 3620, 3730, 3751, 4050, 4054, 4060, 4460, 4465, 4503, 4504, 4640, 4644, 4651, 4740, 4744, 4840, 4900, 6050, 6054, 6060, 6460, 6465, 6503, 6504, 6640, 6644, 6651, 6740, 6744, 6900

$20 - $50 per course

Chemistry [CHEM]

Courses: 1011, 1021, 1111, 1121, 3201, 3301, 3501, 4201, 4406, 4501, 4603, 4901, 4902, 4903, 6201, 6406, 6501, 6603

$30 - $50 per course

Geography [ESCI]

Courses: All courses

$25 per course

College of Health Sciences [NUTR]

Courses: 2302, 4802

$65 per course

Law Library Fee

All LAW Courses 

$20 per course

Nursing [NURS]

Additional Nursing fees

$30 - $275 per course

Physics [PHYS]

Courses: 1001, 1002, 2011, 2021, 2111, 2121

$50 per course

Health Sciences [HLSC]

Courses: 3005

$150 per course

Theatre [THEA]

Courses: 4515, 4532, 6515, 6532

$25 - $100 per course



The bookstore Advance Payment Plan allows students to purchase their books using excess financial aid funds prior to the start of the semester. To utilize BAPP you must have the following: excess aid of at least $300 and a valid Campus ID.

What is BAPP?
The Bookstore Advance Payment Plan (BAPP) is a program that will allow qualified student to use their excess authorized financial aid at the University Bookstore to buy textbooks and school supplies prior to the date that financial aid will be released to students.

What is excess aid?
Excess authorized aid is the aid that will be available after all university fees are paid. 

When will BAPP be available?

Why would I want to use the BAPP?
During this time period, qualified students are allowed to buy early and be prepared for class — all while taking advantage of lower priced used textbooks before they fly out the door.

How do I qualify?
You qualify if your excess aid (Total Charges minus Aid) is at least $300.

How do I sign up?
You do not need to sign up. Excess aid between $300 and $1,300 is transferred to the plan automatically. 

Can I decide how much I want to transfer to the plan?
No. Excess aid between $300 and $1,300 will be transferred to the plan automatically. 

How do I use the money to buy my books and supplies?
You will access these funds for in person purchases at the University Bookstore using your Campus (ID) Card through a fund called “Bookstore Fin Aid Advance.” For the bookstore's hours of operation, please visit this link Please note: The Bookstores will have special hours after the semester ends and during the holidays. Be sure and check the store hours on their website during this time.

Where can I buy my books?
This advanced fund may only be used to purchase textbooks and school supplies at the University Bookstore. Please Note: Law and Lambuth students can utilize BAPP at the bookstore on their campus as well as the Main Campus bookstore.

How do I know how much is available on the “Bookstore Fin Aid Advance?"
Log on to your Campus Card account during the dates listed above. Your BAPP funds will be visible under “Your Card Transactions” as “Bookstore Fin Aid Advance” and amount will be indicated under “Current Balance.” Please Note: The posting of the “Bookstore Fin Aid Advance” is not an automatic process. It may take up to 24 business hours after your authorized aid has been posted to your UofM account to be available at the bookstore.

What if I choose not to take advantage of the Bookstore Advance Payment Plan?
BAPP is not mandatory. If unused, your excess aid will be refunded by direct deposit (if you have signed up) or a check will be mailed to you following the normal refund schedule.

What if I add or drop classes or move into the dorm or lose my aid?
Available “Bookstore Fin Aid Advance” may be adjusted due to subsequent changes in your account.

What if I make adjustments to my account and I’ve already spent the money at the bookstore?
At the end of the period listed above, a charge will be placed on your UofM account for the amount that you charged at the bookstore. When financial aid is released to pay your tuition and fees, the bookstore charge will also be paid. If the aid is not enough to pay the bookstore charge due to reduction in aid and/or added classes or other new charges, then you will be liable for payment of the bookstore charge and you will have a University & Student Business Services financial hold placed on your account until your account is paid in full.

If you have questions about your UofM account status, please check TigerXpress. For information on excess financial aid/scholarship refunds, please visit the Financial Aid Office.

Housing & Meal Plan Fees

On campus dining is an important part of campus life. The Tiger Eat$ Program provides resident and commuter students the opportunity to connect with friends, stay healthy, boost your energy to start the day or unwind after a long day. Tiger Eat$ offers the flexibility to purchase dining items without the need to carry cash. Our goal is to integrate both commuting and resident students to experience a full college life. Students can enjoy a meal while working on a project or grab a snack between classes.

Check out our dining and vending locations to see where you can conveniently use Tiger Eat$ funds. You may access your Your Campus Card account, view your balance or review your transaction history.

Students that elect to upgrade to an optional commuter or resident meal plan,by the deadline, will have the Tiger Eat$ fee deducted from their student bill.

How Does the Tiger Eat$ Plan Work?

All full-time undergraduate students participate in the Tiger Eat$ program. If you are an undergraduate student, enrolled in 12 or more credit hours and at least one of your classes is on campus, you will automatically have $350 in Tiger Eat$ added to your account each fall and spring semester. 

Students will be able to use these funds at all UofM dining locations to spend on campus for meals, beverages and snacks, including Starbucks and some vending machines.

Any Tiger Eat$ balance from the fall semester will be transferred to the spring semester.  You have until the last day of the spring semester to use the funds and dine around campus. 

Other Fees

New Freshman and Transfer Undergraduate Students One-time non-refundable application fee must be submitted with initial undergraduate application to the University of Memphis $25
International Undergraduate Students One-time non-refundable application fee must be submitted with initial undergraduate application to the University of Memphis $50
Graduate Students One-time non-refundable application fee must be submitted with initial application for each graduate degree level. $35
International Graduate Students One-time non-refundable application fee must be submitted with initial application for each graduate degree level. $60
Re-enrollee Application fee is not required for former students who apply to re-enroll at the University of Memphis for the same matriculation level Free

Installment Payment Plan - Enrollment Fee Applies to students using the installment payment plan. $50
Installment Payment Plan - Late Fee Applies to any installment payments (tuition and/or housing) not made by the payment due date (September 1, October 1, and November 1 for Fall; February 1, March 1, and April 1  for Spring). $25 for each payment not received by the deadline for a maximum of $75 per semester

The University is committed to keeping tuition and mandatory fees low and in order to continue this strategy, we need to reduce the cost of doing business wherever possible.

In our efforts to provide our students with a cadre of payment options while maintaining and reducing the cost of doing business, the University has contracted with Transact, a third-party company, to provide credit/debit card processing services for student accounts via their PayPath system. Through this service, those who wish to remit their payment via a credit/debit card are afforded additional levels of security and confidentiality.

For this service, Transact will be assessing a 2.95 percent nonrefundable processing fee (minimum $3.00 charge) to cover the credit/debit card transaction costs assessed on all credit/debit card student account transactions. This change is effective May 1, 2023.

This change will include the following:

Returned Check Service Charge Applies to each check/draft, e-check, or credit card returned unpaid by your financial institution. This fee will also be assessed if a keying error on your part results in your financial institution's failure to honor the draft. $30
Late Fee

Applies to all students that have not satisfied their account balances by the first day of classes and any new initial enrollments.

Campus (ID) Card Replacement (non-refundable) No charge for the first Campus Card issued $10
GradGuard Tuition Insurance  GradGuard’s Tuition Protection Insurance Plan helps students and their families overcome the financial losses that may result from events which force students to withdraw from the semester due to a covered medical reason.  Helping families get the most out of your UofM experience is always our top priority. That’s why we’ve partnered with GradGuard™ to make the Tuition Insurance Plan available to our families. varies

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