Welcome to Upward Bound!

Dear Future Upward Bounder,

We are thrilled you’re exploring Upward Bound and its potential to support your journey toward post-secondary education. Upward Bound is a federally funded program to assist underrepresented and underserved students in preparing for, enrolling in, and graduating from college.

At Upward Bound, we offer services tailored to help you improve your academic performance, navigate the college admissions process, secure financial aid, and ultimately build a brighter future. We encourage you to consider applying to Upward Bound and take advantage of the resources available to help you succeed in your educational goals.

Ophrah Payne
Coordinator of Upward Bound

About UB

Find out more about Upward Bound

Apply >

Apply today to join the Upward Bound Program

Student Resources >

Learn more about Student resources available.

Still Have Questions?

Do you still have questions about Upward Bound? Our dedicated staff is here to help and answer all of your questions about Upward Bound. Contact us to learn more about who and what Upward Bound is all about. Call or email today!

Contact Us >

Explore + Discover

In a city that has changed the world in more ways than one, we're driven to do the same. And so can you. The University of Memphis has been educating students from all over the world for more than 100 years. UofM researchers and faculty are leaders in more than 250 fields of study, which means a wealth of academic choices for you. In the heart of the nation's 28th largest city, learning isn't limited to classrooms or labs. Memphis is a hub of international commerce, culture and creativity. Whatever your passion, here you'll discover endless paths toward pursuing it.

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  • Have a fun and safe Spring Break(March 10 - 16)! See you Tigers back in class next week! 🐅#thisisMEmphis #springbreak2025

  • 🌍 Are you a student dreaming of studying abroad? Join @uofm_trio tomorrow for an informative session about opportunities in Costa Rica and Italy. Don’t miss out on valuable insights—and your chance to win a $250 scholarship! 🎓

Prospective Students

The college search/transfer process can be overwhelming. Access resources to help answer key questions.

Learn More & Apply >

Current Students

We are committed to providing a stimulating academic environment for our students. This includes developing opportunities that will enhance your college experience and learning.

Access Resources >

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