TRIO Upward Bound Student Advisory Board

The TRiO Student Advisory Board is an extension of the TRiO Upward Bound (UB) Pre-College Academic Program. It is a student-led program that serves to aid in the enhancement of the leadership and communication skills of all its participants. In a style like that of student council, club members will establish and maintain a tier of leadership that will allow for true participation, delegation, for the voice of the student body to be heard concerning activities and needed tools/information. Each participant in the Upward Bound SAB will be selected from the overall caseload of UB, approximately 60 students, for any of the available roles during the annual election period. The offices available are President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer, which is comprised of an elected official from each grade level.
After election, as the student advisory board of Upward Bound, the elected officers will learn the best practices needed for them to be successful leaders. These include, but are not limited to: decision making, planning and execution, serving others, and professionalism. All elected officials will actively assist with the development of the calendar of events for the UB TRiO SAB, which will help foster a climate of enrichment and enjoyment of all students and cultivate their decision-making skills. They will also work together to create and implement strategies for improvement of the UB TRiO SAB and overall engagement of the other students for training in planning and execution. In addition, all elected officials will serve each other and their community by volunteering at local places that offer these opportunities. Lastly, as they learn the system and tier of leadership within the club, they will acquire and expand in professionalism through hands-on experience of being ambassadors and potential role models for students in lower grade levels. The overall goal of the TRiO SAB is to grant students a space to grow and mature into the best versions of themselves, from which they will be able to contribute much to their individual communities and society. 

The TRIO Upward Bound Student Advisory Board (SAB) is comprised of peer selected UB participants and provides an opportunity for elected representatives to develop personal leadership skills while working to develop the Upward Bound community.

Benefits of the elected SAB members may include, but not limited to:

  • Leadership Development – Participate in various leadership development opportunities during the summer program and throughout the academic year.
  • Mentorship – Serve as mentors for newly admitted students to the program. Model UB values and spirit, as well as serve as resource and guide as new students learn about UB programs and activities.
  • Student Perspective on Program Development – Serve as student representatives/liaisons to UB administrative staff for program development and student issues for program improvement

The Upward Bound Student Advisory Board (SAB) is comprised of peer selected UB participants and provides an opportunity for elected representatives to develop personal leadership skills while working to develop the Upward Bound community.

Responsibilities of the elected SAB members may include, but not limited to:

  • Hosting a career development workshop once a month for UB participants
  • Hosting a Leadership Development Workshop for our UB Participants – UB wants to help you develop and foster your leadership skills and abilities, so we give select SAB Board Members and a few UB participants the opportunity to attend the Southern Black Leadership Conference every January.
  • Providing a Student Perspective on Program Development – Serve as student representatives/liaisons to UB administrative staff for program development and student issues for program improvement.
  • Regularly report officer actions to the constituent group in an accurate, informative, and interesting way
  • Present to the club officers, as possible, students’ ideas and suggestions, if the students don’t do so directly themselves
  • Make special efforts to inform the UB students of upcoming events that might interest them
  • Take informal polls on how UB students feel about certain topics

Open Positions

The President is the primary student contact for the student organization and the “external spokesperson” of the group who regularly interacts with other UB participants, Upward Bound Staff and University officials. They are the liaison between the student organization and the advisor and other University or community contacts.

Vice President
The Vice President should be the President’s “right hand person” and should maintain continuous contact with the President. The Vice President must be up to date on all student organization communication and events.

Executive Officer
This position is instrumental to the efficient and effective operation to TRIO SAB. This individual must maintain continuous contact with both the President, VP, and members regarding events, UB Saturday Academy, Summer Camp, and hosting Girl/Guy Talk Events.

Treasurer to manage their financial matters. A student organization that has a large membership and completes many fundraisers, events or programs should consider having an assistant treasurer to share the financial responsibilities. The treasurer should keep the officers and members informed about the student organization’s financial activities.

Freshman Representative: An elected student that speaks on behalf of the freshman class members in the UB student body.

Sophomore Representative: An elected student that speaks on behalf of the sophomore class members in the UB student body.

Junior Representative: An elected student that speaks on behalf of the junior class members in the UB student body.

Senior Representative: An elected student that speaks on behalf of the senior class members in the UB student body.


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Please CONTACT US if you are inetersted in any of the above positions or need more information.

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