Upward Bound Summer Academy

The University of Memphis Upward Bound Summer Academy is a six-week college preparatory program that gives Upward Bound students a taste of the college experience. Held from early June to early July, participants take college-style classes, participate in service projects, and experience college-like social life through sports, cultural experiences, outdoor adventures, group interaction, and social events. Participants receive instruction in reading, composition, foreign language, and math and laboratory science. In addition, they are offered guidance in educational and career opportunities, as well as exposure to enrichment activities designed to promote leadership, cultural awareness, and self-confidence.


  • Six-weeks of rigorous hands-on-learning in math, science, literature, and a foreign language,
  • Career exploration programs and internships.
  • Residence hall leaders and adult supervision 24/7
  • A College Tour so all students may visit campuses around the state
  • Exciting recreational activities that include raft trips, rock climbing, rope courses, camping, and cultural enrichment trips
  • A summer stipend based on the student's grades in summer academy courses, participation in activities, and attitude during the summer program

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