Off and Running | by Trent Shadid | President Bill Hardgrave entered his first academic year at the UofM with a splash

During the interview process to become the 13th University of Memphis President, Dr. Bill Hardgrave fielded a number of important and thoughtful questions as part of an hour-long open session with UofM students. The meeting ended with a light-hearted request, which provided a glimpse into Hardgrave’s personality.

“Let’s say you are chosen to be UofM President,” asked UofM student Randy Truong. “On the first day of your presidency, will you run through the fountain to celebrate?”

“Heck yeah! Why wouldn’t I?,” Hardgrave responded. “You guys are going to hold me to that, aren’t you? You have me on the record now saying I will run through the fountain.

“Wait, is that illegal?”

“Well, you would be President,” said an attendee.

“That’s a great point,” Hardgrave said. “OK, it’s settled.”

Five months later, on April 1, 2022, Hardgrave celebrated his first day as University President, but he didn’t run through the fountain just yet. The timing wasn’t right. He wanted that moment to occur on a day to celebrate UofM students rather than only the beginning of his tenure.

So, Hardgrave waited until Aug. 22, the first day of classes for the 2022 Fall Semester, to complete his promise. He hosted a luncheon in the Maxine A. Smith University Center where he met with nearly 150 student leaders from various clubs and organizations across campus. Immediately afterward, he joined hands with Student Government Association President Atlantica Smith and Vice President Ansley Ecker for a run through the Student Plaza fountain in the heart of campus.

“I think we should have this a tradition every year,” Hardgrave said. “To start the fall semester, this will be a tradition. We just started it here today.”

Bill and Ronda Hardgrave

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