MAAP Degree Programs

All of the courses are online, and the course load will fit within the MLH employee benefit program tuition allowance for each semester. Plus, taking the same courses as your co-workers will help provide you with additional support along the way!


Nursing (RN-BSN Track)

The RN to BSN program is flexible and convenient for the Registered Nurse who has multiple responsibilities yet is also motivated to advance their education. You may complete this degree entirely online through UofM Global or in combination with previously completed college level learning from other sources. The Loewenberg College of Nursing is accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE). Faculty from the online RN to BSN program have the desire and expertise to work with the Registered Nurse student. The online Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree to Registered Nurses is based on core values of excellence, competence and caring. By working closely with qualified faculty, you can earn a degree that will enhance your ability to positively influence the profession of nursing and ultimately, positively affect patient health outcomes.


Organizational Leadership (BPS)

Organizational Leadership helps students understand the nature of organizations and the basics of administrative leadership. It explores national and international, social and cultural issues faced by organizations. By promoting skills in formal and interpersonal communication in the workplace, it will help you become an even better leader in your organization.


Health Services (BPS)

This program will prepare students for a wide range of health care positions in hospitals, health departments, health agencies, research facilities, schools and industry. This program is also for experienced health care professionals who have completed non-baccalaureate programs in health care specialties such as medical laboratory technology, respiratory therapy, radiological technology and nursing who will build upon their training and experience by taking courses in such areas as business practice, interpersonal skills, policy, risk management, social context of health care, and financial management.


Child Development & Family Studies (BPS)

Child Development and Family Studies focuses on recognizing and enhancing important developmental milestones for children from birth through adolescence. Students will study the stages of development from infancy through adolescence and the ways that family, culture, peers, and schools influence the growth of children. Students will also explore the importance of advocacy for children and their families whether it be in the classroom, hospital, or justice system. Students will learn how to create effective learning environments to promote children’s healthy development as well as assist parents in creatinvironments for their children. Each course is designed to reflect professional standards set forth by the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC).


Health Sciences (BS)

Associates who enjoy focusing on the health and well-being of others may want to complete a concentration in Health Sciences. With an interdisciplinary approach grounded in health promotion theory and strategy, this program includes both basic sciences and behavioral sciences into an applied discipline to promote healthy living.


Healthcare Leadership (BS)

The concentration in Healthcare Leadership (HCL) provides a comprehensive exposure to the field of leadership with coursework in areas such as the healthcare environment, professionalism, leadership, business skills and communication. The need for qualified healthcare administrators with leadership acumen and ethical fitness is significant, as these individuals are in great demand within the dynamic and complex healthcare landscape. Undergraduate students enrolled in the HCL program have multiple internship opportunities, in addition to completing a senior project.


Management (BBA)

The Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) degree with a major in Management prepares you with an understanding of management concepts, theories, and principles that are useful in all types of organizations. Your studies focus on general knowledge and skills in management that are relevant today and that will continue to be important in the future. With a management major, you will be prepared for a variety of careers in organizations in many industry sectors including services, transportation, retail, health care, hospitality, non-profits, music and the arts, sports and leisure management, and government. You may also seek a career as a human resource management professional across a broad spectrum of business and not-for-profit organizations. The Human Resources concentration is also fully online. The degree requires a minimum of 120 hours to graduate. You may complete this degree entirely online through UofM Global or in combination with previously completed college level learning from other sources.


Business Information & Technology (BBA)

The Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) degree with a major in Business Information and Technology (BIT) requires a minimum of 120 hours to graduate. The BIT degree program is highly regarded through its emphasis on both the technology of the business world and related management issues. Courses explore topics such as the organizational and behavioral impact of technology. The degree continually undergoes program improvement, in which courses are regularly monitored to ensure content is in-line with the evolving business environment and changing student needs. You may complete this degree entirely online through UofM Global or in combination with previously completed college level learning from other sources.

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