The University of Memphis Loewenberg College of Nursing (LCON) is proud to offer an online Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree to Registered Nurses based on the core values of excellence, competence and caring. By working closely with qualified faculty, you can earn an RN to BSN online degree that will enhance your ability to positively influence the profession of nursing and ultimately positively affect patient health outcomes.

Baccalaureate graduates of the Loewenberg College of Nursing:

  • Provide safe and high-quality nursing care across a continuum of healthcare environments.
  • Use evidence based research, informatics, and technologies in nursing practice to improve the health of diverse populations.
  • Explore the impact of socio-cultural, economic, legal and political factors that shape healthcare delivery and professional nursing practice.
  • Communicate and collaborate effectively both inter-professionally and intra-professionally.
  • Implement clinical prevention and health promotion strategies to improve patient health outcomes.
  • Demonstrate professional values and ethical behaviors in all dimensions of nursing practice.

You may complete this RN to BSN online; no trips to campus are required. The Loewenberg College of Nursing is accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE). Faculty from the online RN to BSN program have the desire and expertise to work with the Registered Nurse student.
Graduates are encouraged to participate in the LCON Convocation ceremony which celebrates not only the success of the individual, but also the rich traditions of the nursing profession.

The RN to BSN online program is flexible and convenient for the nursing professional with an RN license who has multiple responsibilities yet is also motivated to advance their education. The RN to BSN online degree requires a minimum of 120 hours to graduate. You may complete this RN to BSN degree entirely online through UofM Global or in combination with previously completed college level learning from other sources.

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