
We know that employers are looking for graduates who can think critically, communicate clearly and solve complex problems, and these are exactly the skills that we teach our students. Recent UofM Communication Studies alumni work in account management, corporate communications, development and fundraising, human resources, marketing and events planning, non-profit management and social media, among other fields.  

Communication has been ranked as one of the most versatile majors and a degree in Communication will give you the flexibility that you need for this changing world.

Read more about how effective communication is one of the most in demand skills >

Learn top reasons why you should choose to study communication >

See what graduates across the nation are doing with their communication degrees >

Designed for the needs of today's college student, our curriculum teaches flexible knowledge and skills that transfer to a variety of settings. We are committed to preparing you not only for a career, but a lifetime of learning. In the Communication Studies degree, our focus areas allow you to explore your interests in communication in depth. Whether you want to learn how people form relationships and work in groups (Professional & Relational Communication), how citizens and politicians argue and advocate to solve problems and advance causes (Political & Civic Engagement), or how film, television and new media shape our identities and society (Media & Cultural Criticism), we have a course of study just for you!

The BA degree with a concentration in Communication Studies requires 120 hours. You may complete this degree entirely online through UofM Global or in combination with previously completed college level learning from other sources. 

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