student researching educational psychology

PhD in Educational Psychology and Research

The Online PhD program in Educational Psychology and Research will prepare you for careers in academic and professional communities with content expertise and research experience within your area of study interest. Upon admission into the  online program, you will have the opportunity to work with dynamic and respected faculty members; all of whom are recognized experts in their respective areas. These faculty are dedicated to working with students under a “research  apprenticeship” model that will help you pursue your interests, no matter where you plan to take your career.

Among other activities, working with our faculty will enable you to tap into your own research interests in your concentration  area, striving to offer research development opportunities, and in some cases to unlock grants and other funding sources to support your research.

Our graduate students come with a variety of backgrounds, interests, and career goals. What is common among our enrolled graduate students is a shared commitment to research and to addressing contemporary social and educational issues through application of relevant theory and research. Our students are highly competitive applicants for jobs in education, psychology, health professions, and other related fields, holding positions as researchers, consultants, administrators, and  faculty members in higher education institutions.

The program requirements for online students are the same as that for on-campus students. Students will complete a core set of research and educational psychology courses, with additional elective course requirements that allow the  customization to your area of interest.

Online students can also complete additional coursework beyond the doctoral program requirements to obtain a graduate certificate in qualitative or quantitative research methods. All online doctoral students are required to complete both a research residency project and a dissertation demonstrating their ability to conduct original applied research studies. A minimum of 54 credit hours (including 12 dissertation hours) are required to complete the degree program. Student  applications ARE ACCEPTED (part-time and full-time) for both SPRING and FALL admission.

Please note that, since the purpose of our doctoral training program is to prepare researchers who work in specialized areas, individuals interested ONLY in an applied clinical position or a position that requires certification or licensure (e.g., school counselor, school psychologist, mental health counselor) should not apply to this program.

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