Training and Development

Training and Development Team

The Master of Professional Studies degree with a concentration in Training and Development prepares individuals to excel in today's rapidly changing professional environment. Students seeking an MPS in Training and Development will gain the skills to discuss, assess, and apply leadership theories and concepts; analyze, use, and report data for organizational assessment decision-making and program evaluation; apply instructional design theories and concepts; understand and assess e-learning technologies; and manage the design and implementation of instructional and training materials. This fully online graduate professional studies degree consists of 33 hours of interdisciplinary coursework in the areas of distance learning in online, compressed video, computer-based training, and on-site training.

Applying for Admission to the program

Applications for the Fall semester must be received by August 1; Spring semester by December 1; and Summer term by May 1.

All applicants must have completed an undergraduate degree with a cumulative grade point average of 2.75 on a 4.0 scale from an accredited college or university. Applicants are selected on a competitive basis, so admission is not guaranteed to all applicants who meet only the minimum requirements. Since all CPLS graduate programs aim to produce lifelong learners and competitive members of the workforce, applicants' submitted materials are scrutinized not only for content and but also for presentation, organization, professionalism, and compliance with the program's specific application instructions, which are listed below.

To apply for this program, you will need to complete an application, which will require the following documents:

  • Resumé: The applicant's resumé should include the applicant's employment history, academic history, current contact information, and any additional relevant information, such as professional skills, training, presentations, publications, etc.
  • Recommendation Letters: Applicants must submit at least two official letters of professional reference, preferably from a colleague or superior who can attest to the applicant's capacity to succeed in the profession. All recommendation letters must meet College of Professional & Liberal Studies requirements or they will not be accepted.
  • Personal Essay: Applicants must submit a brief, original essay (approximately 500-600 words) that addresses why they chose to apply to the MPS program and how the program will help them achieve specific professional goals.
  • Additional Items (Optional): Other items that an applicant may submit in the portfolio include a description of professional responsibilities, professional achievements, and professional recognition and/or awards.

For technical questions regarding the application, please contact UM Graduate School Customer Support with the following information:

  • Your name
  • Current program or program of interest
  • Your UID from UofM and/or UniCAS ID number if available

Phone: 901.678.3685
Email: graduateadmissions@memphis.edu 

For questions regarding admission requirements, please contact the College of Professional & Liberal Studies Graduate Programs: cplsgrad@memphis.edu 

The MPS program does not require the GRE General Test, but if you have taken it please submit your GRE scores in your application.

Only after your application is completed and all required documents are submitted will a final decision be made on the application. Please note that the Graduate School will notify applicants once a decision has been reached.

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