MA in English with Technical Communication Degree

The MA in English with Technical Communication Degree – UofM Global is designed to provide students with a fully-online program of study that prepares them for a career as a technical communicator in industry, government, non-profit work, or the scientific and/or medical sector. The core curriculum consists of courses in document design, technical editing, web design, and collaborative writing and project management. Students then work with their advisors to identify interdisciplinary elective courses that best meet their career goals. Designed to be completed in two years, the MATC program offers students an innovative and flexible curriculum that will introduce them to the work of technical writing and design, content development, workplace-focused projects, and publication. Our faculty publish scholarship and research areas in the broader writing studies field including document design and usability, mobile and digital information design, collaborative writing and project management, and research methods and the history of rhetoric.

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