Master of Arts in English with a concentration in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages

You can now earn an M.A. in English with a concentration in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages completely online with the University of Memphis' eCampus. Students in the Teaching ESL/EFL concentration take 11 classes [33 credits] for the M.A. and 5 classes for the Certificate that help them develop expertise in second language acquisition, cross-cultural issues, language policy and planning, and second/foreign language instruction. All of the graduate ESL courses in the Department of English are available online. Our faculty, all with Ph.D.s, have more than 10 years experience successfully teaching online courses. Courses are offered Summer, Spring, and Fall semesters. Also, opportunities exist for short-term teaching experiences in the Czech Republic.

Out-of-state students enrolling in the online programs in ESL do not pay out-of-state tuition but do pay an eRate. International students who choose to do the program completely online need only to fill out the regular application, not the international application.

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