Doctorate of Education in Instruction and Curriculum Leadership - Instructional Design and Technology

Transform your career by earning the Doctor of Education (Ed.D.) degree in Instructional Design and Technology (IDT). This completely online Doctor of education in instructional design degree is designed to produce scholars and researchers who will work in academic environments.

As a graduate of this PhD instructional design program at IDT Memphis you will be prepared for a career as any of the following.

  • Instructional Designer
  • Corporate Trainer
  • Professor of Higher Education
  • Director of Professional Development
  • Researcher
  • Director of Human Resource Training
  • Director of Curriculum and Instruction
  • Director of Assessment
  • Director of Educational Technology

The Ed.D. in instructional design program consists of 54 credit hours and extends students' knowledge and skills by preparing them to conduct reality-based research that examines the role of instructional design and educational technology in learning. We tailor your experiences and projects so that you are qualified and prepared to pursue your professional goals.

Doctorate in instructional design and technology students commit to studying with a cohort. The course rotation schedule is available before you even begin taking classes enabling you to make plans well in advance. There are some semesters in which 9 hours are taken; however, these semesters are usually comprised of a 14-week class and two 7-week classes allowing you to only be working on 2 classes at any one time.

Note that some, and in specific cases all, of these hours may apply towards a Master's or Doctor of education in instructional design, as well as many other graduate degrees.

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