Special Education Comprehensive Certificate

As a fully online, four-course graduate program, the Special Education Comprehensive Certificate will provide foundational knowledge of characteristics, episiotomy, prevalence and evidence-based interventions to work with children that have been diagnosed with low incidence disabilities. The four courses are designed to enhance current teachers’ knowledge of evidence-based instructional practices for students with low incidence disability, serve as a resource for teachers’ respective school/school district continuing education credits/professional development, or can be applied toward a Master's of Science (MS) degree. Additionally, those working with children with low incidence disabilities (e.g., intellectual disability, ASD, multiple disabilities) can complete this certificate program to enhance professional skills in fields such as health care, occupational therapy, physical therapy, speech and language therapy, behavioral therapy, as well as educational therapy. To meet the needs of graduate-level learners, this certificate is fully online, and includes the following courses:

  • SPED 7050 - Teaching the Exceptional Learner 
  • SPED 7511 - Intellectual Disabilities 
  • ICL 7105 - Language/Communication Inclusive Classroom   
  • SPED 7600 – Introduction to Autism  


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