Graduate Certificate in Instructional Design and Technology

Our graduate-level certificate program is completely online and offers two tracks: (1) Educational Technology and (2) Design and Development. Each track is four courses (described below). The courses may be completed as part of a degree program in IDT or other program with your advisor's approval.

Track 1: Educational Technology

The IDT Certificate in Educational Technology is designed for educators who want to integrate technology with learning in PK-12 schools and institutions of higher learning.

Sample Job Opportunities

Some who have earned the EdTech Certificate have transformed their teaching to become models for technology integration, while others have leveraged the certificate to become technology integration specialists, technology facilitators, technology coaches, curriculum integration specialists, and district directors of technology.

Required Courses

The focus of these courses is to develop the technology competencies needed for the development, utilization, and integration of technology with learning. The course rotation schedule is available for planning purposes.

EdTech Coure Rotation Schedule

Spring Summer* Fall
IDT 7061 IDT 7061 IDT 7061
IDT 7062 IDT 7062 IDT 7063
  IDT 7063 IDT 7064

*Pending enrollment and staffing

Note that some, and in specific cases all, of these hours may apply towards a Master's or doctorate in IDT, as well as many other graduate degrees.

A Grade of A or B must be earned in each class to earn the certificate.

IDT 7061: Instructional Design and Educational Technology (3 hours) - Implementation of common classroom productivity tools to support teaching and learning; survey of Web and mobile apps that promote thinking and creativity; design and development of lesson plans that integrate technology and 21st century skills to promote learning.

IDT 7062: Teaching, Learning, and Technology (3 hours) - Enhancing teaching and learning through the use of Web 2.0 tools and social media; promoting student learning through these technologies in combination with the Teaching for Understanding framework and Visible Thinking routines. Prerequisite: IDT 7061.

IDT 7063: Models and Innovations of Educational Technology (3 hours) - Supporting learning through mobile devices; designing learning opportunities that use emerging educational technologies and instructional approaches; facilitating Making Thinking Visible with Technology; supporting teachers' self- directed professional development through professional learning networks.

IDT 7064: Educational Technology and Instructional Development (3 hours) - Survey of emerging technologies used for developing multimedia; implementation of needs assessment, development of instruction and supporting multimedia to address the indicated instructional needs. Prerequisite: IDT 7063.

Track 2: Design and Development

The IDT Certificate in Design and Development prepares to you work as an instructional designer in non-education contexts such as business, government, military, and health care.

Sample Job Opportunities

There are many opportunities for work as an instructional designer,including organizational trainer, learning experience designer, learning engineer, user experience designer, multimedia developer, and performance support specialist. With the growth of e-learning and online instruction, employment prospects in this field are very positive.

Required Courses

The four courses described below have been planned and sequenced to become an effective instructional designer. The course rotation schedule is available for planning purposes.

Design and Development Course Rotation Schedule

Spring Fall
IDT 7060 IDT 7070
IDT 7080 IDT 7090

Note that some, and in specific cases all, of these hours may apply towards a Master's or doctorate in IDT, as well as many other graduate degrees.

A Grade of A or B must be earned in each class to earn the certificate.

IDT 7060: Message Design (3 hours) - This course focuses on design and development of media, paper-based and electronic, to support learning; students will create products to solve instructional problems through a survey of various technologies.

IDT 7070: Instructional Design Process I (3 hours) - Applies the instructional design process to conduct a needs assessment that supports the creation of self-paced instructional units addressing performance and learning problems for education, business, health care, and related learning environments.

IDT 7080: Learning Experience Design (3 hours) - Prepares students to understand and apply instructional design principles to evaluate instructional materials that are designed to solve performance and learning problems. Applies the instructional design process to implement and evaluate an instructional unit based on documentation produced

IDT 7090: Developing Interactive Learning Environments I (3 hours) - This course is about developing interactive computer-based and online learning environments. Students will follow instructional design models and principles to develop learning environments that are engaging, efficient, and effective. Students will learn about current e-learning software tools and processes. A student may repeat this course for a maximum of 6 credit hours (while learning advanced content).

Tuition and Fees

Students enrolled in completely online programs at the University of Memphis do not pay out-of-state tuition. As this certificate is completely online, IDT students do not pay out-of-state tuition. Visit the Tuition Estimator to begin planning your budget for graduate studies (Select eRate under Resident Status).

You can investigate opportunities for scholarships and financial aid. Graduate assistantships are occasionally available for outstanding students.

Apply and Register for Classes

Students interested in receiving the graduate-level Certificate in Instructional Design and Technology must be admitted to this graduate certificate program.

Note: If you are already enrolled in any degree program, you do not need to complete the application process. Instead you will need to submit a Student Academic Program Update Form.

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