Graduate Certificate in Educational Leadership

The Department of Leadership offers the Graduate Certificate in Educational Leadership as an alternative curricular pathway to garnering school leadership licensure for individuals who already possess a master’s degree. This graduate program consists of 18-credit hours (six classes), prepares students to take the SLLA (school leadership series) Praxis Exam, and permits students to apply for an ILLA (aspiring school leadership license) with the State of Tennessee. Students who apply to this program are interested in serving as assistant school principals, school principals, and are eager to lead Pre K-12 educational entities to successful future of educational access and quality instruction. Applicants should submit the following items to the University of Memphis graduate school for consideration: a statement of purpose, teaching philosophy, evidence of teacher’s license, resume, three letters of recommendation (one letter must come from a sitting school administrator that the applicant has worked with), and transcripts from all institutions of higher education they have attended. The GRE is not required for this program. Our award-winning faculty work with students to prepare them for school leadership positions via courses that examine positive educational leadership, data management, school administration, financial and legal considerations, and modern curricular innovations. Graduates of this program work in a variety of school setting across the State of Tennessee.

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