Education | Graduate Programs

Graduate Degrees

faculty to student one-on-one secondary instruction

Master of Arts in Teaching Secondary Education

Prepare to educate adolescents (grades 7-12) in a group setting with coursework in adolescent development, learning theory, social foundations of education, and teaching methods. This University of Memphis graduate programs requires field hours and prepares students to meet the competencies for Tennessee licensure.

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three students studying

Master of Arts in Teaching Special Education

This University of Memphis graduate program is designed for students interested in teaching children with mild disabilities such as learning disabilities or mild developmental delays.

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 faculty instructing with laptop to two students

Master of Science in Educational Psychology and Research

The Online Master of Science Program in Educational Psychology and Research is designed for students who want to learn how to conduct applied research in psychology- and education-related fields while studying toward a master’s degree. This University of Memphis graduate program requirements include an in-depth understanding of human development, learning, cognition, research design and methods through a 30 credit-hour master’s degree program online.

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instructor lead classroom

Master of Science in Instruction and Curriculum Leadership - Instructional Design and Technology

This 100% online, 30 credit-hour degree University of Memphis graduate program prepares professionals to assess training, design and develop learning solutions for online and face-to-face delivery, manage projects and collaborate with diverse stakeholders in business, higher education and PK-12 settings. Streamlined for working professionals, this master’s degree program online can be completed in as little as four semesters. Eclectic in nature, the program welcomes professionals from art, business, communication, computer science, education, English, graphic design, health care, learning sciences, military, psychology and related fields.  

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leadership student training

Master of Science in Instruction and Curriculum Leadership – Literacy Concentration

An in-depth understanding of literacy practices, assessment, and policies. You'll learn how to implement an integrated language arts program, assess literacy levels and apply current research and instructional approaches to improve students' reading and writing skills.

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instructor - student library research

Master of Science in Instruction and Curriculum Leadership - School Library Information Specialist

As a certified librarian and media specialist, you can advance in your career and guide young minds in their search for information and adventure through books and media. The School Library Information Specialist is an emphasis area within the Instruction and Curriculum Leadership (ICL) concentration. Must be part of enrollment towards a master's degree if a student has not already completed an M.S. or M.A. degree; also offered as a graduate certificate for those who have already earned a master's degree (or higher).

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school administrator talking to teacher

Master of Science in School Administration and Supervision

This online 30-hour (ten classes) master’s program is designed for individuals who want to become school principals/assistant principals. Graduates develop their skills in leadership, policy formulation, have opportunities to analyze data and its relationship to organizational effectiveness, and will garner state licensure to serve as school leaders.

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students walking on campus

Master of Science in Student Affairs Administration

The Master’s degree in Student Affairs Administration prepares students for professional roles in a variety of student service higher education settings. This master’s degree program online offers coursework on college student development, campus diversity, student engagement, academic advising, program assessment, and campus leadership.

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 physical education faculty leading exercise student group

Master of Science in Health Studies with a Concentration Physical Education Teacher Education

Research on teaching and teacher education in physical education in this University of Memphis graduate program.

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teacher instructing classroom

Doctor of Education in Higher and Adult Education - Higher Education

Primarily for mid- and senior-level administrative positions in higher education institutions and higher education-related agencies, boards, and commissions.

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graduation ceremony

Doctor of Education in Higher and Adult Education - Adult Education

Study the practice of teaching adults, including those in college and graduate school. This online graduate program differs from other education degrees due to cognitive differences in developmental stages.

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computer lab instruction

Doctor of Education in Instruction and Curriculum Leadership - Instructional Design and Technology

Prepare for positions like teacher educators and university researchers; become an expert in research and development and lead initiatives to analyze, implement, and evaluate instructional materials and learning environments.

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eudcational leadership

Doctor of Education in Leadership & Policy Studies

Graduates of this University of Memphis graduate program are eligible for employment by P-12 school systems in administrative positions. Grads also seek to become professors of educational administration in a department or college involved in teacher training.

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student studying PhD in Educational Psychology and Research

PhD in Educational Psychology and Research

Students enrolled in the online program can direct their focus/interests in one of three areas: quantitative research methods, human development, or learning and cognition/motivation.

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graduate student in lab

Graduate Certificate in Autism Studies

The University of Memphis is excited to offer an online Autism Certificate Program. This online graduate program is designed to equip parents, teachers, and professionals with the tools necessary to successfully work with children with autism and deal with the unique challenges and rewards associated with the disorder.

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Graduate Certificate in College and Career Counseling

The University of Memphis' certification in college and career counseling as an online and field based post-degree program designed to address contemporary issues related to career and college counseling in schools.

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young teacher at table with elementary students

Graduate Certificate - Educational Leadership

This online 18-hour (six classes) graduate certificate is designed for individuals who already possess a master's degree, work in a K-12 setting and are seeking alternate route certification to become a school principal/school leader. This online graduate certificate mirrors the MS in Leadership and Policy Studies School Administration and Supervision concentration.

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higher education professor graduate at uofm global

Graduate Certificate in Higher Education Instruction

This online 18-hour (six classes) graduate certificate is designed for individuals already teaching in higher education settings or working on an advanced degree who would like to hone their college classroom teaching skills. Graduates can work at community colleges, private and public colleges/universities, for-profit agencies and adult learning centers.

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Graduate Certificate in Instructional Design and Technology

Our graduate-level certificate program is completely online and offers two tracks: (1) Educational Technology and (2) Design and Development. Each online graduate certificate program track is comprised of four classes. The courses may be completed as part of a degree program in IDT or other program with your advisor's approval. Transform your career!

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student teacher fist bumping a student across the desk

Graduate Certificate in Literacy, Leadership, and Coaching

Literacy Education is concerned with the promotion of literacy, with specific emphasis on reading, writing, listening and speaking. No matter what your career goals, local or global, we have a program to meet your professional needs. 

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Graduate Certificate - School Library Information Specialist

The program of study for School Library Information Specialist (SLIS) is a University of Memphis graduate program offered 100% online, and the courses must be part of enrollment towards a Master's degree if a student has not already completed an M.S. or M.A. degree. It is also offered as Graduate Certificate for those who have already earned a Master's degree (or higher).

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teacher with children in classroom

Special Education Comprehensive Certificate

The Special Education Comprehensive Certificate is designed for individuals seeking certification in Comprehensive Special Education or wanting to enhance their knowledge of Low Incidence Disabilities. This online graduate certificate program provides advanced coursework directed at foundational knowledge and evidence-based instructional practices for children with low incidence disabilities (e.g., intellectual disorders, ASD, multiple disabilities). As a University of Memphis graduate with a special education certificate credential, students can pursue an advanced degree, or enhance skills for fields that require an ability to work with children with low incidence disabilities. 

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