UofM Global: 844.302.3886 Ext: 8900

Email: apex@memphis.edu

Website: memphis.edu/uofmglobal/apex

General Questions

What is APEX? APEX: Access Promotes Education to Excel. UofM Global is partnering with Access Corp in this higher education degree program, which offers Access Team Members the opportunity to earn their undergraduate degree fully online and with no out-of-pocket tuition costs.

Is this a tuition reimbursement program? No, Access Corp will be directly billed for tuition when classes are successfully completed.

What are passing grades? Team members need to earn at least a C- or better for the tuition cost to be billed to Access Corp.

Who qualifies? For it’s pilot launch, selected Team Members will be chosen to participate in APEX.

Do I have to be a current or prior U of M student to qualify? No.

Do I have to have a certain number of college credits to qualify? No. In fact, APEX is designed to offer special assistance to students of all education levels. All APEX students will have a Student Advocate who will provide guidance from the very beginning.

Can I work toward any degree through APEX? Yes, as long as it’s fully online. Your Student Advocate can help you figure out what major might be best, along with your Academic Advisor.

I’ve never taken online classes before. Also, it’s been years since I’ve taken a class. Am I on my own here? UofM Global offers multiple resources for success:

  • Prep Academy
  • Student Advocate
  • 24/7 Online tutoring services
  • Center for Writing and Communication
  • Academic Advising

How much is Access Corp providing in funding? Access Corp will provide up to $5250 in tuition funding annually.

Do I have to wait until the next semester to start? Not necessarily. UofM Global offers courses with multiple start times throughout the semester and self-paced courses in addition to courses offered within the semester. Your Student Advocate will help determine the best way to start.

Can I use my work experience to get me toward degree completion quicker? We hope so! Your Student Advocate will explore your work history to determine potential ELC (experiential learning credits) opportunities. Possible ELC opportunities include military transcript, work/life experiences, as well as certain certifications or licensures.

Admission/Financial Aid

Do I have to pay an application fee? No.

Is there a special application that I need to complete? Your Student Advocate will share this with you – since there are multiple starting points, we want to make sure you’re filling out the right application.

I’m interested in applying for the Prep Academy. Where do I go to do that? Your Student Advocate will share the Prep Academy application with you.

Where do I complete my FAFSA? https://studentaid.gov. U of M school code: 003509

Since Access is funding tuition, why do I have to complete my FAFSA? To determine if there are any federal or state grants available to supplement the funding from Access Corp. In addition to your Student Advocate, there’s also a Financial Student Advocate who can help with deciphering the FAFSA and budgeting for upcoming semesters.

I enrolled another college, will those credits transfer? Probably but we’ll know for sure once we get copies of those transcripts. We try to be very transfer friendly and find places to use as many transfer credits as possible.

I owe a balance to another school and so I can’t get my transcript. Will that prevent me from pursuing my degree through APEX? Not necessarily. Your Student Advocate can help you figure out your options moving forward.

Prep Academy

What is the Prep Academy? The Prep Academy is self-paced set of courses that are completed pre-admission. It’s divided up into 3 units: Academic Success (time management, college level writing, goal setting), Career Planning and Development (career goals, developing a resume and LinkedIn profile), and Personal and Career Success (major/career alignment, life/career goals).

After completion of the Prep Academy, you’ve earned guaranteed admission to UofM and 12 credits!

Who should enter Prep Academy? Students with no or very little college credit, and/or students who have been away from college for a long time.

Why should I enroll in the Prep Academy? The Prep Academy can help you figure out how to be a college student, how to manage online courses, and how to navigate the different tools and systems we use at UofM.

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