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APEX: Access Promotes Education to Excel

Learn. Excel. Ascend

Earn your degree from the accredited, nationally-recognized University of Memphis.

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Announcing a new partnership between Access and the University of Memphis Global:
APEX is designed for Access employees dedicated to their learning and development.

Flexible & Accessible

UofM offers a wide variety of program options to match your career goals, including fully-online degrees for maximum flexibility to fit your busy schedule.

Personalized Degree Plan

Whether your brand new to college or have a lot of credits already completed, your UofM Global Student Advocate will help you create the best game plan for earning your degree.

Dedicated Support Network

Enjoy personalized assistance from a APEX Student Advocate, a financial specialist, a designated academic advisor, and a team of UofM Global professionals. They're all here to help you earn your degree.

APEX Prep Academy

If you are new to college, new to online learning or you’ve been out of school for a while, the Prep Academy is an excellent starting point.

  • Self-paced, online coursework
  • Unlimited attempts to succeed, no upfront costs
  • Key topics include: Academic Success, Career Planning and Development, Personal and Career Success

Prep Academy Success = Admission to UofM + 12 College Credit Hours

Utilize Your Access Records Tuition Assistance

No upfront tuition expenses

As long as you are in good academic standing and have a satisfactory evaluation, your eligible tuition expenses will be directly billed to Access.

Federal Financial Aid

You may be eligible for Federal Financial Aid by completing the FAFSA application. Leveraging grant funds (which don't have to be paid back) can help shorten the time it takes to earn your degree.

Tuition Allowance Maximization

A Student Financial Advocate will review your funding availability and usage to help budget your annual tuition allowance.

Experiential Learning Credit

We believe students achieve college-level learning through experiences outside of the classroom, including professional development training, earning licenses or certifications, completing military training and volunteering in the community. Our ELC Program allows you to demonstrate the academic merit of your experiences. All, while potentially earning college credit hours and shortening your path to graduation. Some degree programs allow up to 30 credit hours of ELC, and your Access training may be eligible to be evaluated for course credit.
Learn more about ELC >

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