photo of bronze tiger statue with UofM banner in the background

Apply to UofM Global

Daydream no longer. If you're driven to do more, start your path to a better future today by applying to UofM Global. A new career path is just a click away.

Undergraduate Student Application

Graduate Student Application

Contact the Office of Admissions

If you have questions about the application process or a submitted application, please contact:

UofM Global Admissions
201 Brister Hall   |   Memphis, TN 38152-3520

Graduate Admissions 
201 FedEx Institute of Technology   |   Memphis, TN 38152-3115 

Get Started on the Right Track

From admission to graduation, we are invested in your success. Whether you're considering enrolling or have just been admitted, we encourage you to complete the complimentary College Prep course. College Prep is 100% free and can be completed online at your own pace, on your own time. You can start the course anytime!

The course focuses on skills proven to support college success such as proper study habits, time management, accessing university resources, setting academic goals and writing skills. You'll also learn about the University of Memphis and available degree programs.

Upon completion of the course and enrollment at the University of Memphis, you can apply for three credit hours of Experiential Learning Credit (ELC), which is the equivalent of one class, at a cost of only $75 per credit hour. Register for the course >

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