Policies & Procedures - Goals & Accomplishments by Year
Continue to explore permanent centralized funding for accommodations for employees
and visitors.
Explore the need for policies on accessibility in the physical, digital, and events
Develop a seamless onboarding process for employees with disabilities.
Collaborate with University Process Improvement to ensure accessibility is a central
Continue to advocate for a permanent budget line for accommodations for employees
and visitors.
Develop a website for the University Accessibility Committee so that it is more prominent
than its current location.
Explore the onboarding process for employees with disabilities.
Ensure an efficient process for serving students when title IX and the ADA overlap.
Developed the University Accessibility Website to centralize and more prominently
display accessibility information to our campus community and visitors.
Advocated for central funding for high-cost accommodations for employees and visitors.
Reviewed 10 University policies to ensure accessibility.
Identify web location for campus-wide accessibility information.
Develop a protocol for university faculty, staff, students, and visitors to report
accessibility concerns.
Implement a process for reviewing existing campus policies through an accessibility
Develop recommendations for a process by which high-cost accommodations for university
programs and activities can be paid without draining department/organization resources.
Identified and established a central web location where all campus accessibility information
could be located or linked.
Developed and implemented a mechanism for any campus community member or visitor to
report disability access concern through Maxient.
Created a fund to support the accommodation requests of guests and employees. The
fund was set aside in February 2022. The fund is currently temporary funds set aside
for the remainder of FY 22. However, it will be presented to the SRI committee for
approval as a permanent fund.
Implemented a process through which the Disability Resources for Students Director
reviews all existing campus policies up for review to ensure that they do not create
barriers for individuals with disabilities.