Physical Access Resources
- Accessible Parking
- Blue Line Shuttle
- Campus Maps and Building Floor Plans
- Accessible and Gender Neutral Restrooms
- Athletic Ticket Information
- ADA Survey Request
- The purpose of an ADA accessibility survey is to determine whether or not a facility,
or the component parts of a facility, have barriers to access by people with a variety
of disabilities. During an accessibility survey, surveyors assess the current conditions
of the facility to identify barriers and offer solutions.
- Departments wanting to have their physical space evaluated for accessibility may use
the WORQ Order System to request an ADA survey.
- Please contact with any questions.
- The purpose of an ADA accessibility survey is to determine whether or not a facility,
or the component parts of a facility, have barriers to access by people with a variety
of disabilities. During an accessibility survey, surveyors assess the current conditions
of the facility to identify barriers and offer solutions.