Physical Environment - Goals & Accomplishments by Year
- Vet and prioritize ADA funds requests.
- Research options for improving navigation on campus.
- Explore campus needs and possible projects related to physical accessibility.
- Vet and prioritize ADA funds requests.
- Research options for improving navigation on campus.
- Explore campus needs and possible projects related to physical accessibility.
- Additional door actuators ordered for the downtown Law School, Center for Writing
and Communication, and Disability Resources for Students.
- Consulted with academic department about wayfinding within their building.
- Met with two Student Government Association representatives about concerns regarding
non-functioning door actuators.
- Vet and prioritize ADA funds requests.
- Increase campus communication about ADA needs/requests.
- Additional door actuators ordered and installed for downtown Law School.
- Worked with Risk Management, Environmental Health and Safety, and Police Services
on safer emergency evacuation areas for downtown Law School.
- Collaborated with First Scholars on Disability Advocacy Week service project.
- Physical Access Resources section added to Accessibility Resources page of the University
of Memphis Office for Institutional Equity website.
- Vet and prioritize ADA funds requests.
- Develop a centrally located repository for physical accessibility information
- Increase campus communication about ADA needs/requests.
- Establish centralized mechanism for reporting ADA concerns.
- Began review of additional accessibility needs at downtown Law School.
- Determined distribution of new height adjustable tables at Main Campus and downtown
Law School.
- Worked with Athletics to develop safety protocol for new lift in Fieldhouse gymnasium.