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Canvas at the UofM

Canvas is our web-based learning management system, or LMS.  All of UofM’s current learning technologies integrate with Canvas, including Banner Student Information System, Microsoft Office 365 and Teams, Qualtrics, Turnitin, and Zoom. Canvas provides enhanced reporting of metrics at the student, course, program, degree, and institutional level. Canvas Studio allows faculty and students to quickly record and caption video.

How do I log in to Canvas?

To access canvas navigate to the UofM Canvas site (https://memphis.instructure.com/) and login with your UUID and Password.

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Canvas Newsletters

The UM3D Insider Spring 2024

Re imagine & renew Canvas courses or single assignments this semester with the help of UM3D.

Canvas Release Updates- July 2024

This newsletter highlights monthly releases/updates that come to Canvas, check back each month to learn what's new in Canvas.

Faculty & Adjunct Canvas Newsletter- Fall 2023 

This newsletter features on demand Canvas tutorials, new Zoom training classes, plus tips and resources to get your Canvas courses ready for the semester. 

Canvas Announcements:

Add TA/GA/Faculty Upcoming Change:

Per the Registrar’s Office, as of April 14, 2023, all TAs and GAs should be added to semester sections through Banner. TAs/GAs will no longer be added manually to Banner-generated sections in Canvas by Department Aides or the UM3D team. All TA/GA additions will need to be added to semester sections by department schedulers.  
Once a TA/GA’s contract has been approved and FERPA training has been completed, your department scheduler can add TAs and GAs to applicable sections or the department scheduler can place a ticket to have TAs/GAs faculty role activated. This may be submitted via the Registrar’s Office Academic Section Maintenance Request.  
Once added to Banner, TAs/GAs will appear as instructors (with instructor-level permissions) in their assigned Canvas course. TAs/GAs will also appear as instructors in Banner with the instructor of record/primary instructor designated in Banner via (P)
If you have additional questions about this process, please place a ticket with the Registrar’s Office.