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Zoom Video Conferencing

Enterprise video conferencing with real-time messaging and content sharing.

Important Note: In March 2020, ITS promptly implemented and introduced the widely recognized collaboration software Zoom to address the urgent need for a virtual meeting platform for academics and administration. Over time, Microsoft has made substantial investments in advancing their online collaboration platform, Microsoft Teams. Following a thorough examination of budgets and feature comparisons between the two platforms, we will capitalize on our longstanding partnership with Microsoft and adopt the collaboration tool integrated into our software agreement, Microsoft Teams. Effective August 12, 2024, we will discontinue the use of Zoom. We are confident that Microsoft Teams has reached a sufficient level of evolution to serve as our primary collaboration and virtual meeting platform.

See comparisons of Zoom and Teams on our new
Zoom to Teams Transition page.

Join anywhere, on Any Device

Simplified video conferencing and messaging across any device with up to 300 participants in a meeting. Zoom Meeting syncs with your calendar system and delivers streamlined enterprise-grade video conferencing from your desktop and mobile device. Enable quick adoption with meeting capabilities that make it easy to start, join, and collaborate across any device.

Signing in to Zoom

Zoom is now a site licensed product available to all faculty, staff and students. Sign in to Zoom site with your UofM credentials. (https://memphis.zoom.us) Upon initial sign-in, you will get a Pro license (a Zoom Pro License will allow up to 300 users to sign in to one session). Here is an infographic showing you how to sign in using SSO (Single Sign On) when using the Zoom App.
Note: Recommended browsers for use with Zoom are Firefox, Chrome, or Safari.

Need a HIPAA Compliant Zoom Account?

Getting Started with a Zoom HIPAA Compliant Account

Important Message About Zoom Meetings and Passcodes

You may have heard about Zoom’s efforts toward enhanced security. One of the upcoming requirements will require all meetings to have either a passcode or waiting room enabled. To be proactive, the passcode requirement was enabled locally for new meetings scheduled after July 31st. However, for meetings created before July 31st, usually your recurring meetings, the requirement hasn’t been forced yet. Note: If you update a previously scheduled meeting, it will require a passcode before you save it.

Zoom Pro Enterprise Features:

  • HD Video: Bring HD video to your meetings.
  • Recording and Transcripts: Record your meetings locally or to the cloud, with searchable transcripts.
  • Built-in Collaboration Tools: Multiple participants can share their screens simultaneously and co-annotate for a more interactive meeting.
  • Streamlined Calendaring: Support scheduling or starting meetings from Outlook, Gmail, or iCal.
  • Meet Securely: End-to-end encryption for all meetings, role-based user security, password protection, waiting rooms, and place attendee on hold.
  • Team Chat: Chat with groups, searchable history, integrated file sharing.
  • Meeting Participants: Can have up to 300 participants in a meeting.
  • Meeting Duration: No time limitation for meetings.
  • Login: Login with University of Memphis UUID and password.

Important Message About Zoom Cloud Recordings

All Zoom cloud recordings will automatically be deleted after 31 days.

Already Have a Zoom Account?

If you created a personal account with Zoom using your University email address (UUID@memphis.edu), then your account may not be connected to the UofM. To check which Zoom platform you’re connected to, log into your account and review the personal link under your profile or your (My Personal Meeting ID - PMI). Send us the PMI in a Zoom Service Request.

PMI - Personal Meeting ID

This tool can be used to meet with your students for virtual office hours. The meeting ID will be the same and will not change; however, it shouldn’t be posted on a personal website or to the public. Please note, we also recommend using additional security features such as waiting room or password.

Security Check for the Zoom App

Do you have the Zoom Client/App? Be sure to always update for security enhancements. To update, navigate to the Zoom website for instructions.

Streaming a Meeting or Webinar on Facebook Live?

You can stream a Zoom webinar or meeting live on Facebook to your Facebook timeline or a group or page that you are an admin for. This allows your participants to join via Zoom or viewers to watch and comment on Facebook Live. Webinar licenses can be purchased by entering a service request.

Training & Documentation

Zoom Infographics

Zoom Documentation

Video Training

Register for Live Seminars

You can register for live online Seminars.

FAQ Page

Frequently asked questions about Zoom.

Zoom - Best Practices to Avoid Zoombombing

Zoombombing or zoomraiding refers to attacks intended to disrupt Zoom sessions on screen and in chat. Characteristic attacks involve racist or misogynistic comments in chat or vulgar images on a shared screen. We've put together some best practices to help you address and avoid Zoombombing.

When sharing a meeting link on social media or other public forums, that makes your event extremely public. ANYONE with the link can join your meeting. We recommend not sharing Zoom meeting links on social media. The setting to require passwords for Zoom meetings has been toggled on and locked. Making this setting mandatory aligns with Zoom’s plans to enforce the rule for all future meetings, and it assures a greater level of security from unwanted visitors. When a new meeting is scheduled, a password will be automatically generated, which will be located in the Security field.

  • Enable Only Authenticated Users Can Join - With this feature, participants must log in with their UUID and password before joining a meeting. This can be turned on under meeting options when scheduling a meeting.

Here are a few other preventive measures to keep in mind when conducting a virtual meeting in Zoom:

  • Allow only signed-in users to join your meeting

  • Manage your Screen Sharing

  • Lock the Meeting

  • Remove unwanted or disruptive participants and prevent them from rejoining
Disable Video and prevent users from screen sharing

  • Mute Participants on Entry

  • Turn off File Transfer feature

  • Turn off Annotation

  • Disable Private Chat
Use the Waiting Room 

What Steps Has Zoom Taken to Increase Security?

 Some Other Useful Features Available in Zoom

  • Polling - The polling feature for webinar allows you to create single choice or multiple choice polling questions for your webinars.

  • Using Annotation or Whiteboard - Meeting participants can annotate on a shared screen as a viewer or the one that started sharing your screen. You can also use annotation tools when sharing or viewing a whiteboard.

  • Using Remote Control - The remote control feature allows you to take control of another participant's screen in a meeting.

  • Nonverbal Feedback - Meeting participants can place an icon beside their name to communicate with the host and other participants without disrupting the flow of the meeting.

  • Breakout Rooms - Breakout rooms allow you to split your Zoom meeting in up to 50 separate sessions. The meeting host can choose to split the participants of the meeting into these separate sessions automatically or manually, and can switch between sessions at any time.

  • Adding a Secondary host or Co-Host - Host controls allow you as the host to control various aspects of the Zoom Meeting, such as managing the participants.

  • Integrating a Third Party Closed Captioning Service -  As a meeting host, you can add closed captions to Zoom meetings by providing the third-party closed captioning service with the caption URL. The caption URL allows the third-party service to stream text from their closed captioning software to the Zoom meeting.

One-Time vs. Recurring Meeting

There are two options when scheduling future meetings in Zoom.


You can schedule a one-time meeting or a recurring meeting.  When you schedule a one-time meeting, you will set the meeting for a specific date and time. Once the meeting has concluded, participants will not have access to the meeting.


When you schedule a recurring meeting, you can schedule multiple dates and times for your future meetings. You can schedule meetings daily, weekly and monthly. You can also set a recurring meeting to be used at any time. Each occurrence uses the same meeting ID and settings. Therefore, past participants or anyone with the meeting information may be able to access future meetings.

Zoom Marketplace

Zoom Marketplace helps you find apps that can integrate with Zoom and enhance your experience using the software. Although there are many items available as add-ons, we are not able to add them as a part of the enterprise service currently.

Recording of Lectures

Note: Access to this service may be limited in compliance with sanctions announced by the Office of Foreign Assets Control.