uofmWiki (BookStack)

Confluence vs. BookStack

The primary difference between Confluence and BookStack is how information are organized. Confluence organized content in Spaces. Each Space contains pages and subpages. Confluence supports infinite nesting of pages. Permissions are managed at the Space level and can be granted by group/role and/or specific users. Pages within a Space can have additional restrictions. BookStack’s structure is simpler. There are Shelves, Books, Chapters, and Pages. A Book can have infinite Pages. Those Pages can optionally be grouped by Chapters but there is no nesting of Pages. A Book can be on multiple Shelves (or none). Permissions can be set at each level (Shelves > Books > Chapters > Pages). However, permissions are role-based only.

Where Do I Begin?

uofmWiki can be accessed from any web browser or mobile device by using your university UUID and password. BookStack is an open-source wiki which has replaced Confluence.

Additional Information

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