
umBlogs, also known as blogs.memphis.edu, provides space for users to share experiences, reflect on activities, and publish students creative works. This can be done through written posts, pictures, videos, links, and comments. It belongs to you and you have the power to make it whatever you choose.

umBlogs service is subject to the Acceptable Use of Information Technology Resources policy. This is the same with various other technology resources available at the University of Memphis. (See the link to the policy IT6003 - Acceptable Use of Information Technology Resources.)

Let's Get Started

To access umBlogs (https://blogs.memphis.edu/), log in using your University of Memphis UUID (the beginning of your @memphis.edu email address for example, ttiger@memphis.edu the user name would be ttiger) and password associated with your UofM account. You cannot use a preferred email account. You can also navigate to your blog  once created using the address: (i.e., https://blogs.memphis.edu/ttiger), log in. After you log in, you will be at your dashboard page. log in and start editing your blog. Happy blogging! If you need to create a customized blog page for your department or area we'd be happy to help. For additional assistance, please submit an online service request.


umBlogs Tips
umBlogs Getting started

Post vs Pages

Blogs are composed of two main structures: posts and pages and there is a difference between them. View this tutorial to learn more about the difference between posts and pages. 


It's time to publish and edit your first posts. View the following tutorials to learn more:


For information about publishing and editing pages, view the following tutorials:

Once you've gotten familiar with umBlog, you'll be able to progress with more advanced features with your blog. Information about these can be found in the User Guide.

Top Topics

Attaching Google Analytics to Your Blog

Here are the steps that you will need to take to use Google Analytics with umBlogs.

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