Softdocs Etrieve
New Form Builder Quick Start Guide
The new form builder is live!
To access the New Form Builder, click the cog icon found at the top-right of Etrieve Central and select Admin Settings. Click the Forms tile, then choose "+ Add Form" and "Form Builder."
You will be presented with the form Settings:
- Form Name
- Form Name must be unique.
- Form Group
- Form Groups can be assigned to more easily categorize your forms in the Form Library. These can be created from the "Form Groups" tile on the Etrieve Central Administration page.
- Form Access
- Forms are always set to Private by default. This means that only users with specific permissions can access them. You can also set your form to Public, which means any authenticated user can access it, or Anonymous, which allows even users who aren't signed in to access the form.
Once you have created your new form, you will be presented with the Elements panel to begin building.
The Elements Panel provides access to three distinct sections:
- Saved: This section contains globally saved sections that you or other form builders have created within your organization for reuse.
- Data: Softdocs provides pre-categorized data models. Utilizing these elements as a starting point enables further data categorization for reporting, integrations, and upcoming features.
- Basic: If the desired element is not found within the Data section, the Basic section offers access to all available element types.
You can drag and drop any elements onto the Form Canvas. You can also add an element to the bottom of the canvas in a new row by clicking on the element.
You can resize your elements directly on the canvas using the drag handler on the edge of the element.
You can re-order your elements directly on the canvas using the drag handler on the element toolbar.
You can access the configurations for the element using the gear in the element toolbar.
You can customize most elements for a specific purpose by changing their settings. Some elements, like Number and Calculate, have more settings than others.
After adding a few elements to your form, you can Preview it. From this view, you can interact with the form and see what it looks like to someone filling it out. If you want to go back to editing, select the Pencil.
When you're all set to start using your form, don't forget to hit Publish.
Using the Share Links button, you can easily create a shareable link for users to complete this form version.
If the form template version is published or submitted in a workflow, it will be locked against editing.
A new version can be created based on any previous version by using the Versions menu option. You can only have one version of a form published at a time.
Important: because version management is built into the New Form Builder, you will no longer need to create a new form for each version. Be careful not to create unnecessary copies of the same form with the New Form Builder.