What is OneDrive?
OneDrive (Microsoft's Internet-based storage platform) is available for use with internal and external (non-UofM) colleagues. This service provides a solution for sharing documents with others while working on research, class projects or administrative collaboration. Remember, the use of this service should align with all UofM policies and guidelines. (Please see Campus Data Security Policy (IT6007) and the ITS Data Storage Guidelines.) Each UofM faculty, staff, or student are allotted 5TB of storage space in OneDrive.
Note: This does not include OneDrive, which is not affiliated with the University of Memphis or your personal OneDrive account.
To access OneDrive, visit the University of Memphis Office 365 Webmail site (authenticate using your UUID and password). Look for the App Launcher (9 tiles in a square) at the upper left of the screen (near "Office 365" logo). Select OneDrive and let the collaboration begin! You can also log into OneDrive site directly.
Our OneDrive documentation highlights the features of Office 365 - OneDrive.
Want to see if your OneDrive is connected? Please see our OneDrive Quick Guide for the steps necessary to verify.
For answers to frequently asked questions about OneDrive, search the AskTom articles.
To request assistance, please submit an online service request. For more information or additional assistance, please call the ITS Service Desk
at 901.678.8888.
When will OneDrive access be revoked for various individuals?
Employee Voluntary separation - Employees open to separate from the University will no longer have access to University data/IT systems. Employee voluntary separation includes resignation or retirement. This schedule applies to all full and part-time faculty and staff, regardless of the reason for voluntary separation. It’s the employee’s responsibility to save personal electronic files/data stored on University systems prior to the separation date. Access to personal electronic files/data will not be provided after the last date of employment. Access is only provided if the individual has a valid active affiliation.
Employee Involuntary Separation - Employees automatically separating from the University will no longer have access to University data/IT systems. Access is removed before or immediately following the employee's exit meeting.
Students Separation - Students separating from the University will no longer have access to University data/IT systems. Access will be revoked one year after the last term the student was enrolled. It’s the student’s responsibility to save personal electronic files/data stored on University systems prior to the access termination date. Access to personal electronic files or data will not be provided after the one year expiration. Access is only provided if the individual re-enrolls or has a valid active affiliation.
Emeritus Faculty - Faculty granted with official Emeritus status by the University Provost retain access to University IT resources/systems. Access is granted, as referenced in the examples above, until his/her official retirement date. Access will be retained or granted automatically once the Emeritus status has been entered into Banner. Faculty members who retire without receiving official Emeritus status will not be eligible to retain access past their separation date.