umMail - Email (Office 365)

In Response to a Changing Environment, the University Has Implemented Policy IT6008 - Email Use.

Below are related FAQs.

What has changed?

With the publication of policy IT6008, the UofM has clarified those eligible to use electronic mail (email) on campus. This policy also notes the appropriate uses for email. The University of Memphis provides University email for legitimate University related activities. University of Memphis provides email only to current faculty, students, employees and certain guests. The policy references existing business processes regarding revocation of University email access when a user's active affiliation ends. A schedule for revocation of access can be found on the IT Resource Access Termination Procedures page.

Why was the change made?

With the continued increase in cyber security threats and email exploits (such as phishing, malware, etc.), the potential for an email account to be compromised has increased. Use of a University email account could allow an inactive individual to misrepresent themselves as active agents of the University. This may be intentional or not, therefore, this policy has been made. This policy follows best security practices for revoking access of individuals, who are not actively affiliated with the University.

How will this change impact me?

Current students, faculty/faculty emeritus, and employees have University email account access/other ITS services until their active affiliation ends. (End of affiliation includes graduation, lapse in enrollment, termination, or retirement.) Alumni and retirees who currently receive a University of Memphis email account can transition to a new email service. This transition is made available through the University Alumni Association, as outlined below.

When will access be revoked for various individuals?

Employee Voluntary separation - Employees opting to separate from the University will no longer have access to University data/IT systems. Employee voluntary separation includes resignation or retirement. This schedule applies to all full and part-time faculty and staff, regardless of the reason for voluntary separation. It’s the employee’s responsibility to save personal electronic files/data stored on University systems prior to the separation date. Access to personal electronic files/data will not be provided after the last date of employment. Access is only provided if the individual has a valid active affiliation.

Employee Involuntary Separation - Employees automatically separating from the University will no longer have access to University data/IT systems. Access is removed before or immediately following the employee's exit meeting.  

Students Separation - Students separating from the University will no longer have access to University data/IT systems. Access will be revoked one year after the last term the student was enrolled. It’s the student’s responsibility to save personal electronic files/data stored on University systems prior to the access termination date. Access to personal electronic files or data will not be provided after the one year expiration. Access is only provided if the individual re-enrolls or has a valid active affiliation.

Emeritus Faculty - Faculty granted with official Emeritus status by the University Provost retain access to University IT resources/systems. Access is granted, as referenced in the examples above, until his/her official retirement date. Access will be retained or granted automatically once the Emeritus status has been entered into Banner.  


Access Termination Schedule

Staff Immediately following the last date of employment
Full-Time Faculty 365 days following last date of employment
Part-Time Faculty 365 days following last date of employment

I joined the Alumni Association "Email365" program. Will I continue to have email access?

The Email365 benefit for Alumni Association members has changed. Members will have the opportunity to transition to an "@memphisalumni.org" or "@memphisretirees.org" account hosted through Gmail. Additional information can be found on the Alumni Association site

I was granted access to email by Human Resources upon my retirement. Will I continue to have email access?

No. Retirees that were granted sponsored retiree accounts will be given 60 days to transition to a new account effective April 26, 2017. Access will be removed on June 26, 2017. Current UofM Association of Retirees (UMAR) members will have the opportunity to transition to a "@memphisalumni.org" or "@memphisretirees.org" account. Retirees who are not currently members of UMAR will need to join UMAR to receive an "@memphisalumni.org" or "@memphisretirees.org" account. Additional information can be found on the Alumni Association site.

*Retirees with "emeritus" status will continue to have access to their @memphis.edu accounts.

How can I provide feedback regarding the policy?

Feedback regarding the policy may be submitted via the Information Technology Services suggestion box.

I am unable to send emails from Gmail, has something changed?

January 31, 2020, Information Technology Services (ITS) made configuration changes to improve Microsoft Office 365 email security. Many applications use SMTP, POP, and IMAP to download or view email, and SMTP, POP, and IMAP have been disabled to improve email security.

Additional Information & Documentation

Training Video for using Outlook OWA (Online Web Application)

Getting started using umMail Outlook OWA (Online Web Application)


Want to set up your mail on a PC, Mac or Mobile Device? 

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