
Ask Tom

AskTom Documentation

AskTom Documentation for End Users

AskTom is now a part of the TopDesk helpdesk system implemented by Information Technology Services. AskTom is a searchable database of questions about all aspects of the University of Memphis. This database is readily available to faculty, staff, and students at the UofM.

Now you will be able to access AskTom and AskTom Chat by logging into the helpdesk system. A new tile named AskTom will appear in the top row. Click on the AskTom tile. Click on "AskTOM a Question" then type your question in the field provided to find your answer.

ask tom main page

AskTom can be searched from our database collection of questions and answers. Here, you will find solutions to a variety of answers including technical, academic, student life, etc. You can also chat to find answers to your questions by chatting live with a member of our support team.

Some  AskTom features include:

  • Easier question submission
  • Quicker, more consistent response times
  • Enhanced communication between you and the service area
  • Embedded URL videos for AskTom Articles

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