users  Accounts and Access

How to initialize your UofM account (Account Code)


Service Description: 

In order to begin utilizing University resources and online services, you will need to initialize your account using an account code generated through iAM Identity Management, along with your birth date.

Who may request (or are eligible) for this service? 

All new accounts require account codes for initial access.

How to Request Service?

For students, account codes are sent to your physical address on file. For sponsored accounts, account codes are emailed to the third-party email address provided by the sponsor in the request. If you need assistance with your account code, please contact the ITS Service Desk at 901.678.8888.

What Information is Needed to Fulfill the Service Request?  

To begin the process of initializing your UofM account via iAM, you will need to have the 20-digit account code along with your date of birth. Next, you will be prompted to set up your security questions for password reset. Finally, you will set up your password that will be used to access technology resources across the UofM systems. For detailed instructions, please see our Account initialization page.

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