FAQ: Answers


Your student will register for classes online using the University's web portal, myMemphis, to access registration web pages. Following their application to the University, students were mailed login information that contained instructions as to how to activate the Username/Password combination needed to log in to the portal. Once students log in, they should click on the "Student" tab and look for the "Registration Tools" channel. This channel contains the key links needed to register for classes. Students will have to see an advisor before they are cleared to register for classes. For additional information:

The maximum number of credit hours a student can take in a Fall or Spring semester, without special approval, is 20.5. The maximum number for the Summer is 23. Most students should not take the maximum number of hours, especially in their freshman year. An advisor will be helpful in recommending an appropriate load. Students should average 15 credit hours per semester to graduate in four years. For additional information:

This is called Enrollment Verification and is available from the Registrar's Office. For directions on how to obtain Enrollment Verification, please see the Registrar's Enrollment Verification page.

A good rule of thumb is that your student should spend two hours preparing for each lecture hour he or she spends in class. Student abilities and course requirements vary; some students may need to spend less time preparing, some more. But the 2-to-1 rule is a reasonable recommendation.

We recommend that you do not contact your student's instructors on matters such as grades, attendance, assignments, etc. Our instructors consider our students to be adults and, therefore, expect the students to contact them regarding such matters. Also, FERPA restrictions prevent faculty from discussing a student's work with anyone other than the student.

However, if your student becomes very ill or incapacitated and is unable to contact his or her instructors, you may have to. Use the online directory search (UofM White Pages) to look up instructor phone numbers and e-mail addresses.

If you do not know your student's instructors and your student cannot tell you who they are, contact the Parent Advisory Service at 901.678.2115 for advice on how to proceed.

For additional information:

No, your student does not have to start college by declaring a major. It is not unusual for entering freshmen to be undecided as to their majors. Those who do not declare a major are classified as "Undecided" and are advised by the Academic Advising Center. Students should declare a major by the end of their sophomore year. From that point forward, they will be advised by faculty in the college of their declared major.

Some students know what they want to major in when they apply for admission. The admission application contains a space for this. However, if your student is like most students, he or she will not be certain of what to major in. Such students are termed "Undecided" or "Undeclared" and assigned to the Academic Advising Center for advising.

Later, when he or she decides upon a major, your student should notify his or her counselor in the Academic Advising Center. The counselor will transfer your student's records to the appropriate college. That college then notifies your student about advising.

Even after your student has declared a major, he or she may decide to change. If so, your student should go to the Dean's Office of the college of the NEW major and request the change. This office will see that records are transferred and that your student is assigned a new advisor.

For additional information:

This varies by department. In some departments, almost all freshman courses are taught by full-time faculty. However, in some departments, a significant portion of freshman courses are taught by graduate assistants, adjunct faculty or a combination of faculty (lecture sections) and graduate assistants (lab). Typically, such courses are introductory courses with numerous sections. Still, some sections of these courses will be taught by full-time faculty, and your student may choose one of these sections.

It is important to note that having a graduate assistant or an adjunct faculty member is not a bad thing. Graduate students are top students pursuing advanced degrees in their fields of interest. And adjunct faculty are typically people who have excelled in their field of expertise outside of the University environment (for example, a newspaper editor who agrees to teach a Journalism class).

Yes, the University offers extra help to students through its Educational Support Program (ESP). Your student can work with tutors in the five ESP Learning Centers, request a tutor, or attend helpful study skills seminars. The Learning Centers offer help with a variety of subjects and classes. These services are free.  Online tutoring is now available 24/7.

Though it might be convenient, it is not absolutely necessary that your student bring a computer to his/her Residence Hall or off-campus housing. The University has many computer labs on campus; the University Center's computing lab is even open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week while classes are in session. Your student can use these labs with his/her valid University ID.

The labs have printers, and the computing workstations are equipped with the software that students need to complete coursework for most courses. For additional information:

Yes, absolutely! We strongly encourage students to take a minimum of 15 hours a semester or 30 hours per academic year to stay on track for four-year graduation. We have some creative ways for students to obtain credits outside of the traditional fall & spring semesters. Your student can pick up a class or two through the summer or consider earning credit by exam. Check out some of those options here. Taking five years to finish is also not uncommon. Consider that your student may change majors one or more times during his or her college career or possibly have a need to drop some courses now and then. Students should be using the UMdegree tool to help them see their progress towards graduation. For additional information:

Students are assigned an advisor during new student orientation. Students are assigned their advisors based on the information they complete in the paperwork during new student orientation. Once a student declares a major, he or she will be assigned an advisor within their college or school. For additional information:

If your insurance company has sent you a discount form to complete, your student can bring it to the Registrar's Office, 003 Wilder Tower. The Registrar's Office will verify the student's information and grades, and sign and date the form. Your student can pick up the form the next day and mail it, or the Registrar can FAX or mail the form to the appropriate number or address (these must be provided).

If your insurance company has not provided you with a form, your student can visit the Registrar's Office, show a photo ID (University ID, driver's license, etc.), and request a copy of last semester's grades and Grade Point Average (GPA), both of which the insurance company will require. Provided your student has no "holds" on his/her grades, the Registrar will produce the requested copy. (A grades "hold" usually means that the student owes the University money; grades cannot be released until financial obligations have been fulfilled. Your student can use the registration system to check for Holds.)

Your student may also request Good Student Verification by fax at 901.678.1425 rather than going to the Registrar's Office in person. The faxed request must contain the following information:

  • Student's NAME
  • A STATEMENT giving the University of Memphis permission to release last semester's grades and GPA
  • Student's SIGNATURE
  • Photocopy of the student's PICTURE ID (University ID, driver's license, etc.)
  • The ADDRESS or FAX NUMBER where the requested grades and GPA should be delivered

For the current semester's commencement date and graduate and visitor information, please visit the Commencement website.  For additional information:

The University of Memphis has eleven colleges and schools and offer a wide range of majors. For additional information:


Grades are official on the Thursday following the semester's last exam date. Students may then login to myMemphis and view their official grades.  Prior to grades being official, students may see their unofficial grades through a dedicated "Unofficial Student Grades" channel on their portal page.

Note: Students who have a "transcript hold"--usually placed by the University & Student Business Services office for unpaid fees or fines--will not be able to view their grades until the hold has been cleared.

The University no longer mails grade reports.  However, students who need term grades for an employer or insurance agency for proof of satisfactory academic progress may: 

Request an enrollment verification with grades through myMemphis. This option has a 24-hour turnaround but provides the report on UofM letterhead.
Print their official grades from myMemphis and have the Registrar's Office (Student and Faculty Services Counter Staff) validate the printout in Wilder Tower, Room 003.  This option is immediate but requires the student to appear in person with a picture ID. For additional information:

No, not unless you have your student's consent or you can show that the student is still a dependent for federal income tax purposes.

This may seem strange to you, but federal law prevents us from releasing a student's information to anyone but the student unless we have the student's written consent. The specific law is the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), also known as the Buckley Amendment.

You can ask your student to show you his or her grades on the web. If this isn't practical, you can ask your student to complete a consent form that would permit the Registrar to release a copy of the grades to you. If your student is unwilling to complete the consent form, you can complete a parent's request for the release of records, provided your student is a dependent for tax purposes.

Note: A copy of your most recent tax return showing the student to be a dependent is required.

For additional information:



The University of Memphis’ definition for the minimum credit hour load for classification as a full-time student is 12 credit hours for fall and spring, and 6 hours for summer. For financial aid and state reporting, full-time status is 12 hours for Fall, Spring, and Summer for Undergraduate students. The table below shows the hour requirements for full-time status by term and definition.

 UNDERGRADUATE   Financial Aid & State Reporting (FT Definition)   UofM FT Definition (Time Status in Banner) 
 Fall 12 12
Spring 12 12
Summer 12 6


 UNDERGRADUATE STATUS   Summer Minimum Credit Hours 
Full Time 6
Three Quarters Time 4.5
Half Time  3
Less Than Half Time 0.5



Graduate students who register for 9 or more hours for Spring and Fall in the academic year will be considered full-time students. Graduate students who register for 6 hours or more in the Summer will be considered full time. For financial aid and state reporting, full time status is 9 hours for Fall, Spring, and Summer for Graduate students. The table below shows the hour requirements for full time status by term and definition. See table below for more information on time status and usage.

 GRADUATE   Financial Aid & State Reporting (FT Definition)   UofM FT Definition (Time Status in Banner) 


Graduate Certificates

9 9


Graduate Certificates

9 9


Graduate Certificates

9 6
 GRADUATE STATUS   Summer Minimum Credit Hours 
Full Time 6
Three Quarters Time 4.5
Half Time  3
Less Than Half Time 0.5
Late-Stage doctoral students are students who have completed and passed their comprehensive exams. These students may enroll in only one dissertation hour and be considered full-time if they are working full time on their dissertations.
Late-Stage students who are enrolled in less than 9 dissertation hours during a fall or a spring semester are still expected to be working at least half-time on their dissertation to qualify for full-time status and meet federal financial aid guidelines. If you do not plan to work at least half-time on your dissertation, you must notify the graduate school.

(Figures based on the 2023-24 Undergraduate and Graduate catalogs).

Visit the Student Financial Aid website for more information. 

To apply for financial aid, a student must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or the Renewal Application electronically using FAFSA on the web. The priority deadline for the Fall semester is February 1 and October 1 for the Spring semester.

Submit all documents as requested by the Student Financial Aid Office (i.e. tax returns, verification forms, etc.).

If your student has already been admitted, they can use their University account access to check myMemphis for the most up-to-date information on their financial aid application. Other students should follow up with the Student Financial Aid Office periodically to make sure no additional information is needed.

If your student listed the University of Memphis on your FAFSA but has decided to attend another school, notify us in order to avoid delays in getting their aid processed elsewhere.


Students are able to purchase the class textbooks and general class supplies from the University Bookstore. This building is located on campus, in the heart of the University, directly across from the Michael D. Rose Theatre and behind the University Center. Students can also purchase University paraphernalia, snacks, and general books from the bookstore as well. The bookstore is also available online and students can purchase books to be picked up at the bookstore.

Post office boxes are available for rent. The rental fee is $15.00 per semester for students. For more information, please visit the University Mail Services.

Residence Hall Students

Students who reside in a residence hall must also rent a post office box in order to receive mail while residing on campus.

In the event that your student needs to withdraw from the University during a current semester, they should withdraw from their classes. If it is before the drop deadline, they may do so through the myMemphis portal. If the deadline has passed they will need the authorization to withdraw. Students should review the Registrar's Withdrawing from the University page for full details. For additional information:

The University is led by the president, Dr. Bill Hardgrave. For additional information:

Emergencies and Medical Problems

Contact the University's Police Services department. An officer will locate your student and relay your message. For additional information:

How you proceed in this matter depends on how much of the semester has passed.

Before the Last Day to Drop a Class Deadline

Your student can withdraw from all courses online until the semester's Last Day to Drop a Class deadline has passed. (This deadline can be found on the semester's Dates & Deadlines calendar.)

If your student's condition makes it impossible for him or her to log in to the registration system, call the Parent Advisory Service at 901.678.2115 or the Registrar's Office at 901.678.2810 for instructions and assistance.

After the Last Day to Drop a Class Deadline

If the Last Day to Drop a Class deadline has passed, your student needs to contact the Dean's Office of the college of your student's major, or, if your student has not declared a major, the Academic Advising Center (AAC). The Dean's Office or ACC will advise you on how to best proceed. In some cases, this office may recommend that your student is issued "I" (Incomplete) grades and be allowed to complete the coursework later. In other instances, the office may recommend that your student is withdrawn from the University. Any requests for a late withdrawal or the issuance of "I" grades must begin with the Dean or the ACC.

If you need assistance in determining whether to call the Dean's Office or the ACC or in determining which Dean's Office to call, contact the Parent Advisory Service at 901.678.2115 or the Registrar at 901.678.2810. For additional information:

Yes, the University's Student Health Center is staffed by a physician, nurses, nurse practitioners, technologists and other support personnel. The Health Center offers a variety of services, but its emphasis is on "the diagnosis and treatment of short-term, acute, medical illnesses on an outpatient basis." If your student isn't feeling well, he or she should visit the Health Center for treatment.

Most of the Health Center's services are free to current students, though some services (specialized tests or vaccinations) may have a cost. Visit Student Health Center's website for more information. For additional information:

LiveSafe is an app that the University uses to communicate emergency information to students, faculty, and staff. We will continue to use a variety of other methods as appropriate, including email, telephone, and an outdoor warning system. For more information about emergency planning at the University of Memphis, please visit the Emergency Planning websiteFor additional information:


For complete information, visit the Residence Life's web site. This web site is an excellent source of information on available on-campus housing. You can check out the various residence halls and their rooming options, look at floor plans, check out rental rates, find application information, and more. For additional information:


Tuition rates (fees) are reviewed and often revised on a yearly basis by the Board of Trustees, the governing body over the University of Memphis. When the rates are ready for publication, the University & Student Business Services Office publishes them on its website. Visit the Fees website to view the published rates. For additional information:

You can pay your student's fees online if your student has established a Parent login for you.

Please note:

Only your student can establish a Parent login for you.
Your Parent login is good for online fee payment purposes only. You cannot use this login to gain access to your student's education record.
Students may pay their fees in a variety of ways: in person at the University & Student Business Services office window, by mail, or online. You can "assist" them (supply the money) in any of these approaches, but there are some restrictions.

If your student is going to pay in person at the University & Student Business Services office window, you may, of course, accompany your student and pay the fees yourself, or give your student your cash, check, or credit card to do so. The office is open Monday through Friday, 8:00 am to 4:30 pm.

If your student is going to pay by mail, you can include your check or supply your student with your credit card information.

If your student wishes to pay online through the portal without establishing a Parent login for you, you will have to provide your student with your credit card information. For additional information:

Yes, your student can purchase his or her books online and can be picked up in the bookstore.

Alternative textbook purchasing options are available online, not through the university bookstore. Many times class textbooks can be bought at cheaper prices online; however, the University is not responsible if the student purchases an incorrect edition. For additional information:

Scholarships, Aid, and Student Employment

The Student Financial Aid and Scholarship offices both maintain websites that provide you with complete information on financial aid and available scholarships. The sites also contain contact information so that you may submit questions to these offices. For additional information:

Residency can be a complicated issue. Visit the Residency Information website to view the residency requirements for students and potential fee waivers.  If you have any question as to whether your student qualifies for in-state tuition, visit or call the Office of Admissions at 101 Wilder Tower or 901.678.2111 to discuss residency issues. For additional information:

If your student graduated from a Tennessee high school before January 2003, then he or she is NOT eligible.

If your student graduated from an eligible Tennessee high school in January 2003 or later, then he or she MAY be eligible. Home-schooled students and students who have passed a GED examination MAY be eligible as well. Eligibility, application for, and continuance of these scholarships depend on many factors. The Scholarship office is available to answer questions at 901.678.3213. For additional information:

Yes, internships are available and highly recommended for University of Memphis students. Almost 5,000 U of M students participate in internships each year. The University of Memphis's Internship Program is ranked among the nation's top 10. Students may even be eligible to receive academic credit for internship experiences. For additional information:

The University does offer on-campus part-time employment for qualified students. These positions are classified as either Federal Work Study Student Employment or Regular Student Employment positions. For information on qualifications and responsibilities, as well as job listings, visit Financial Aid's web page (Student Employment). For additional information:

Campus Safety

The University of Memphis has the lowest crime rate of any urban campus in Tennessee. Visit our Police Services' web page for more information and for links to campus safety information. Be sure to review the Campus Safety Report and to check out the Tiger Escort Program, the free personal escort service available to all students on campus during evenings. For additional information:

Career and Psychological Counseling

No, your student will need to make their own appointment. Please have your student call 901-678-2239 to schedule an appointment for them to see a career counselor. For additional information:

No, students who are taking at least 6 credit hours per semester are eligible for free counseling, but they will need to call 901.678.2068 or come to Wilder Tower 214 to fill out paperwork and make an appointment that fits their schedule and that of the counselor. For additional information:

No, the number of visits depends on what the counselor and the client decide between them and is not set at a particular number. For additional information:

You are welcome to wait for them in the lobby of Wilder 214 or 211, but it's up to the student to decide if they want their family present at the time of counseling. If there is a reason for you to be present and the student consents, then you will need to complete and sign a form that gives the counselor permission to allow this. For additional information:

No, all students taking 6 credit hours or more per semester, Fall and Spring, and at least one credit during summer semester, are eligible for free counseling services. However, testing services do involve nominal fees for processing the various assessment instruments the Center uses. For additional information:

Yes, the Career Center has Interest Inventories and Personality Profiles to assist students in finding out where their interests lie and what fields might suit them as to their likes and dislikes. These tests do not measure aptitude. There are many resources the career counselors utilize to assist them to choose a major. For additional information:

Students who do not have insurance for psychiatric medication are eligible to be seen by our consulting psychiatrist for assistance. The psychiatrist is only on campus two days a month and the practice is limited to those without insurance. School insurance that does not provide this coverage does not disqualify a student. For additional information:

No, Center services are available for all students, including graduate, law and doctoral students. For additional information:

Disability Resources for Students

If the student would like to use Counseling Center for testing, they must be currently enrolled in classes that semester.  If the student uses the Psychological Services Center in the Psychology Department, they do not have to be enrolled in classes. Students may also use a private evaluator. Disability Resources for Students maintains a list of evaluators and can be contacted for suggestions at 901.678.2880. For additional information:

Please contact the Counseling Center for current pricing; there is no charge for counseling appointments. For additional information:

Yes. The UofM is fortunate to have 2 places on campus which perform psycho-educational evaluations, Counseling, Tutoring, and Testing and the Psychological Services Center. Both charge fees, but the fees are much less than those charged by private psychologists. For additional information:

Disability information is confidential and will not appear on student transcripts. For additional information:

In order for your student to register with Disability Resources for Students your student will need to complete an Intake Form, which is available in the Disability Resources for Students office (110 Wilder Tower; 678-2880) and provide current professional documentation of the disability and the functional limitations related to the disability. After the documentation is reviewed, the student will be called and an Intake meeting will be scheduled. For additional information:

Yes. Disability Resources for Students staff works in collaboration with Career Services and Career Counseling to assist students in thinking through the many issues relating to choice of major and career field. For additional information:

Career Services
Counseling Center
Psychological Services Center

Life After College

The University's Career Services Office offers excellent assistance to students searching for post-college jobs. Students can register with the office's online recruiting system - eRecruiting. This system allows them to review job listings, post their resumes, and set up on-campus interviews with recruiters. Additionally, the office offers workshops in writing resumes and interview preparation. Individual meetings are also available to students. For additional information:

Dining Services

It is a program in which all full-time undergraduate students who attend at least one class at a University of Memphis campus participate. At the beginning of the fall and spring semester, each student who is enrolled in 12 or more hours will automatically have $300 ($600 for the academic year) in Tiger Eat$ charged to their account which will be available for use at campus dining and vending locations. Students can also use the monies toward a campus meal plan. The $300 per semester averages to $2.68 per day or $18.75 per week to spend on campus for food, beverage, and snacks. Tiger Eat$ are not charged for the summer semesters. 

A Tiger Funds account works like a debit card. It is a unique money management system activated by your student's Campus Card that is available to all students. 

You can deposit money to your Tiger Funds account in the following ways:

  • Online at Campus Card Online (credit card - Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express).
  • Through Blackboard Card Management Centers (cash only) located in the McWherter Library, Law Library,  Jones Hall Tiger Den, UC Union Food Court, V. Lane Rawlins Service Court and Bookstore, the Speech and Hearing Center, and the Gobbel Library at the Lambuth campus.
  • In person at the University & Student Business Services Office customer service windows, 1st floor, Wilder Tower (cash or check).

Tiger Funds are maintained separately from Tiger Eat$, meal plan accounts and Flex Bucks, which are also accessed by your Campus Card. Meal plan accounts are administered by the University's Campus Card Office.

The cost for meal plans vary based on the type and where the student resides, on or off campus. Click below for more information. For additional information:

Resident Student Meal Plan
Commuter Student Meal Plan

Information Technology

Yes. There is a Technology Hub in the University Center that is accessible 24 hours a day when classes are in session. The McWherter Commons computers are now available only during the normal library operating hours. The Technology Hub is located in the University Center on the second floor, room 265. For additional information:

Yes. It is possible for your student to rent a laptop computer at the circulation desk in McWherter Library. The rental lasts for up to 4 hours and the student will be asked to surrender their University ID which will be returned to the student upon delivery of the laptop. For additional information:

Parking Services

Students can order parking permits online or if the student registers prior to late registration then a semester validation sticker will be mailed to the address of the student which is downloaded directly from the Records Department. If the student does not have a current permit in our database then a permit is also mailed along with the validation sticker. If the student does not receive their permit or semester validation sticker by the first day of classes, he/she must come to the Parking Office to obtain one.  For additional information:

Priority parking refers to the parking permits that students can purchase at the beginning of a semester only during the sales opportunities. Gate Access Parking is available each semester on a first come first serve basis. Availability of parking lots differs each semester. Check with the Parking Services Office for information on space availability. Students may only purchase a Priority lot pass for a given semester during the permit sales window. Evening only access is also available for students to purchase. Evening access begins at 4:30 p.m For additional information:


There are numerous important dates and deadlines throughout the year that pertain to your student's college career: payment deadlines, exam dates, breaks etc… To view these dates and more, please visit the Office of the Registrar's Academic Year Page to view the relevant academic year calendar. For additional information:

Health Insurance

Students or parents of student can search for insurance at the TBR Student Health Insurance Exchange. The website includes information explaining the meaning of various terms, plans, and coverage types and presents plans that comply with the coverage requirements of the ACA offered through the ACA "exchange" as well as plans offered "off exchange." Students may view a plan summary/brochure online and may also complete the plan enrollment process online. For additional information:

Visiting Campus

Directions to the University of Memphis will vary depending on from where you are driving. For directions specific to your needs, please visit the Visitors Information. For additional information:

Honors Program

The University of Memphis offers an exceptional experience for all of its undergraduates. For academically ambitious and talented students, we offer something extra — the opportunity to participate in the Helen Hardin Honors Program.

The Helen Hardin Honors Program is renowned for extraordinary professors, small classes, and opportunities for research in a variety of disciplines.  Our students are award winners, having won the Truman, Goldwater, Fulbright, and Rotary scholarships in recent years, as well as major campus awards.  And that is what the Honors Program is about — providing intellectual challenge and opportunities for outstanding students. For additional information:

National Merit Finalists, and recipients of the Presidential and the Provost's Scholarships are automatically admissible to the Program upon receipt of their applications.  Generally, our minimum admission requirements are a 27 ACT, or its equivalent on other tests, and a 3.50 high school GPA.

Transfer students or students currently enrolled at the University of Memphis are also eligible for the Honors Program if they have earned an overall grade point average of 3.25.

Students who do not qualify in one of these ways will be considered for provisional admission upon direct application.

To be considered for admission, applicants must be admitted to the University of Memphis and complete a separate application for admission to the Helen Hardin Honors Program.  An application may be submitted online at the Honors Program's website.  Apply Now! For additional information:

More Questions?

We can! If your question/answer doesn't appear in the list of commonly asked questions above, contact us at parents@memphis.edu or 901.678.2115 and we will find the answer for you.

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