Lambuth Tiger Family Resource Hub: Student Academic Success


Student success is our top priority at UofM. Your student has many resources available to help, no matter where they are in their academic journey. 

Deciding on a Major or Career Path

Your student’s advisor can help them explore options for their academic journey.

Your student can also connect with Career Services. Career Services can help your student find a major or program that fits with their personality traits and goals. There are various assessments for students to discover strengths and potential career paths. If your student is deciding on a major, they can chat with a career specialist in the main office or in their major about options.

At UofM Lambuth, please contact Student Services, Wilder Student Union, Suite 002, or call 731.425.1951.

Tutoring Services

Tutoring @ESP provides academic assistance for classes that students are currently taking at the UofM. ESP free services are available to graduate and undergraduate students. Tutoring is offered both on campus at one of our Educational Support Program Centers and online.

Disability Resources for Students

Disability Resources for Students assists students with disabilities to ensure they have equal access and equal opportunities to be engaged students and student leaders at the University of Memphis.

A disability is defined as a physical or mental issue which limits one or more major life activity. Some examples of disability include:

    • Cognitive: Learning disabilities, ADHD, traumatic brain injury
    • Psychiatric: Depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, PTSD
    • Physical: Spinal cord injury, Crohn's disease, migraines, chronic illnesses
    • Vision and Hearing: blind or low vision, deaf or hearing loss
    • Autism Spectrum Disorder (including Asperger’s Syndrome)

Students must register with Disability Resources for Students to arrange any needed accommodations. 

At UofM Lambuth, please contact Morganne Austin-Dotson, Wilder Student Union, Room 4H, or call 731.425.1906.

Writing Center

The Center for Writing and Communication is a combined writing and speaking center that offers free, one-on-one consultations with a trained staff comprised of graduate students from the departments of English and Communication.

Whether your student is working on a paper, presentation, or speech, the Center can help them brainstorm topics, develop a thesis, build their argument, help with research, organize their writing, develop editing strategies, and implement standard citation conventions. If they are delivering a speech, they can also practice in the presentation studio.

At UofM Lambuth, please contact Sheila Arnold, Wilder Student Union, Room 004-J, or call 731.425.1929.

Office Hours

Faculty members often make time during the week to be available for students outside of the classroom. This is known as ‘office hours’. Office hours allow your student to meet one-on-one with faculty to ask questions or express concerns.

Attending office hours and getting to know faculty can also offer additional opportunities, like research projects or internships.


The University Libraries at UofM offer a vast collection of academic resources and learning experiences. Students can explore all the Libraries have to offer, including...

  • Drop-in and online research help
  • Workshops
  • Personal consultations
  • Collaborative and independent study spaces
  • Computers
  • And more!